1. Greetings Nazgul Rising horde, Would we start with the origin of the band, both in terms of ideologically and musically, your aims in shaping the direction of the band?
Nazgul Rising was born in 2001 Rome Italy by Lord Trevius, Borius the King and Trvkvlentvs inspired by their common interest in aggressive and direct black metal based upon the nordic style. After the first “Demo-niako” the band turned in symphonic black metal with the demo “In Absentia Domine”. After many lives on stages, the band split to rise again as a project studio with the Ep “Let Evil Arise”.
In 2014 released the first album “Orietur in Tenebris Lux Tua” with Trvkvlentvs (Guitars, bass and Programming) Atum Drums, Borius the King vocals.
2022 second album “Cycles of Primal Chaos” Trvkvlentvs all instruments and vocals, Lord Trevius orchestral
2. Let us start out by learning a little bit more about the members of Nazgul Rising, perhaps you can tell us about the meaning of your names?
The members of Nazgul Rising are passionate about Tolkien and the Lord of the Rings. We are particularly fascinated by the character of the Nazgul.
They were once kings, but were corrupted by the dark lord into servants of evil. The name of the band emphasises these men’s transition to darkness and all that made them evil.
Corruption, lust for power and submission in exchange for something, has always reflected man’s vulnerability.
So, the name “Nazgul Rising” is a metaphor for the evil that is born within us, the dark alter ego wants to come out and take over.
As for our artistic names, they were born as nicknames. Trvkvlentvs is taken from the Trukulentus of Plautus, literary comedy of the second century B.C.
3. You’ve maintained the same line-up for the band over its 22 years history, what is it you think makes you all work well together?
The founding members have remained the same, although after the release of Let the Evil Arise, we have been stuck for several years. I was the one to resume the project, and to make the album "Orietur in tenebris lux tua" inserting the old songs that had never been finished. Also for the last "Cycles of Primal Chaos", I asked for the collaboration of old members, well available to contribute, both in the arrangement and in the lyrics. Although this time I did not have to the collaboration of Borius to the voice, but the songs are played and sung all by me.
4. Let´s talk about your most recent album “Cycles of Primal Chaos”, in general are you personally pleased with the way how the album turned out in terms of production and mixing?
And how do you wish for people to feel when they listen to your songs?
Very satisfied in both production and mixing.
The guys of NMG Studio, they immediately understood what sound we wanted and they satisfied us. Probably it was also easier to work on because we took great care of the pre production. Maybe after a lot of listening, we would have changed something, but that’s okay.
Anyway, the album is a journey that takes the listener into the cosmic pessimism of primordial chaos, apocalyptic nightmares and wars between light and darkness.
5. Musical structure in the album sounds really “technical”. Regarding all these, can you explain the song writing process of Nazgul Rising?
At the beginning the songs were very direct and aggressive in the classic black metal, with the addition of keyboards we gave a breakthrough Symphonic black metal, always keeping the tracks fast and evocative.
We have always been influenced by Scandinavian black metal style, classical music, soundtracks and ambient So we combined the styles.
Inspiration comes when you least expect it. A song can be born from a guitar riff or simply from a sound
or something that we have in head. Lyrics many times start either with a story or from an image we try to transform into sensations.
We want to say that the intro of Lord of the Wildwood was made by New Risen Throne, dark ambient artist very recognized internationally.
6. I can find a lot of orchestral arrangements into the songs, how did you develop this parts?
Generally we try to give more importance to guitars riffs to make the songs heavier. The orchestrations are always put later as background, and by a line of choirs or orchestras, then they are harmonized often trying not to follow the guitar riffs, but with other melodies that complete the song.
7. What is required to deliver strong black metal record? How demanding are you in your music in order to squeeze the maximum?
Do not fall into the banal lyrics, always be able to arouse surprises and strong emotions, maybe be original and give a personal impression, but the latter is not easy. Lately also the image is very accurate, both in the look and in the album covers, especially today that social networks attract a lot of people.
We are quite demanding in the production, especially if you do symphonic, the precautions are really many compared to a raw black metal. Technology fortunately helps us.

8. Can you briefly inform us about the overall lyrical theme of the album?
“Cycles of Primal Chaos” is a concept album about life, death and rebirth. A journey of rites and cults, between darkness and light and ancestral chronicles. The legendary founders of the first human civilizations, who were called “the Serpent of Wisdom”, are represented in many ancient myths. The priestly lineages that presided and guided the birth and development of civilizations, a head of mysteries and initiatic traditions, recalling the etymology of the serpent.
9. The artist for the album'cover, Nestor Avalos, was it an obvious choice for the band? Was it Nestor who came up with the whole idea and concept, or was it the result of your joint efforts?
Nestor’s works have always fascinated us. For us he is one of the best illustrators of extreme metal covers, and his style was just what we were looking for. Having already worked with great bands, we knew that he would create something unique and he did it very well. We were looking for a cover with the whole concept of the album. The cover depicts the battle between Marduk and Tiamat, two primordial entities of light and darkness fighting each other.
We thought that his style could give shape to what we have in mind, and he managed to make a real masterpiece.
10. Have you read any reviews regarding the album? Do you care about what critics have to say about your work?
Yes we have read several reviews, and to our surprise all quite positive. We are very interested in having feedback in public criticism, especially the negative ones, so we can improve the next works.
11. From the start, the Italian metal scene has been a special one, with many very important and unique bands. How do you see Nazgul Rising in this landscape?
In Italy we have very good metal bands, but most of them are very hard to get out especially with self-produced albums. They always try to find a foreign good label that promotes the bands to have more international audience. Nazgul Rising are complete strangers in Italy, but we have a lot more followers abroad, but we’re fine with that. To get to know you should do play live concerts, but the moment does not interest us. Maybe in the future we will see.
12. How is living in Rome? What’s the metal scene like where you are? Do you think where you are has much of an impact on your music?
Rome is the most beautiful city in the world, we don’t say it because we live here, despite all the problems it has, it is a city that has a lot to offer on culture, history and art.
The metal scene here is very strong, there are many good bands with excellent international audience. Although there are few locations to play and see concerts, we are lucky to be able to often attend live shows of great foreign metal bands, thanks to good organizations and agencies present here on the territory, unlike other cities in southern Italy, where there are very few events.
13. How do you feel about different musical formats (vinyl, cassette, digital etc) both for appreciating other music as well as how you want your music to be appreciated?
Personally we have always listened to music on physical media. Being able to have tangible material, browse through the lyrics booklet and see the details of the covers is completely different. The last album was initially released only digitally to promote it, but it seemed that we had nothing in our hands, so much work and could not touch it. We were not satisfied. Despite the different offers of some labels, we were looking for those that were interested in releasing our album. Besides Old Metal Rites, Misantropia Records has also offered to print CDs. We chose them because they are labels without exclusive products, and above all to expand the distribution both in America and in Europe being the Brazilian Old Metal Rites and the Finnish Misanthropy. Anyway we found a lot of willingness on both sides.
14. What would you like to see Nazgul Rising accomplish that you have not been able to achieve yet?
At the moment we have some material to write another album, but how it will be the sound and the direction it will take, we do not know yet. Maybe we could try something new.
What is missing from us? Many fans ask us to play live and see us on stage. It’s very difficult at the moment, but we don’t rule it out. Now we’re focused on doing other things.
15. Thanks for agreeing to this interview for Rotten Pages Zine. Your last words please?
We want to thank Rotten Page Zine for this interview especially to you who read it to the end.