1. Hello my friend, pleasure to have you on Rotten Pages ´zine. How are you doing today? Let us set the scene first. Where do we find you right now? Please describe your surroundings.
Hello and thank you for featuring us in rotten pages ‘zine. We have been doing fine, you find sitting in a remote large dark atmospheric room writing back to you.
2. For those unaware of who you are could you introduce yourself and what you contribute to the band? Why should everyone check out Sàtànŷa and what does your music offer in comparison to other bands playing the same genre as you do?
So for those who don’t know me I am Winter (the drummer for Sàtànŷà) I produce all things related to the heavy fucking percussion to our music, I think people should check out our music as it is a creative release and anyone can interpret our music to what suits them, our band offers a very low quality distinct sound to be interpreted by anyone.
3. Sàtànŷa is a solo project band with you performing everything. Why are you alone in this and how hard it is for you? Or it is easier to go this way in order to realize all your ideas without someone else to interfere?
Sàtànŷà actually has 3 people myself, Hrafnagud and now hessian who is our new vocalist, Myself and Hrafnagud has been there from the start I produced the drums and he created that atmospheric guitar. We struggled to keep a vocalist switching between a few through out the years giving each release a different sound. Myself and Hrafnagud have been on the same page when producing music always adding our different ideas until we met Hessian who is our vocalist for our new Ep letting him to create the lyrics aswell.
4. Your band was formed in 2021 from Scotland and UK has an amazing selection of mainstream and underground artists What’s the scene like in Scotland compared to other cities?
The scene in the Scottish highlands is very very small with an even smaller amount of black metal bands, In fact I haven’t come across any other black metal bands myself.
5. Before becoming a musician, were you self taught taking private music lessons at a young age or did you fully learn and adapt on your own from there?
I was taught at a very young age but I didn’t stick to it as it wasn’t something I enjoyed I then started teaching myself learn harder faster and darker metal which then led into the sound I play now on the drums.
6. Since music is universal and brings so much to the table, what is your philosophy and intake about what music means to you?
I have no comment as if I spoke about it, it would ruin the meaning and sound behind it.
7. You sing and play the guitar, has this always been the way? Did you start one before the other? What other instruments do you play if any.
As I said before hand we actually have a guitarist (Hrafnagud) who writes all guitar parts and we have switched through different vocalists who write there parts, although I do know some guitar I prefer to stick to drums.
8. You´ve released your debut EP “Voice From The Tower” in May this year. How would you best describe this five tracks?
Dark, Low quality atmospheric black metal. We don’t really stick to a genre like most bands we create music that had a deeper philosophical view which people can interpret in there own way.
9. Can you tell us more about the recording process? Did you do anything unusual?
So most people think I you have to go to a recording studio but in fact I just set my iPhone up and started recording sound, this gave it the low quality feeling sound once all tracks have been recorded we used an interface to line up the tracks.
10. How do you create and maintain the atmospheric qualities that captivate listeners, and how important is it for you to evoke a specific mood or feeling through your music?
I actually listen to a lot of other bands such as Burzum, dark throne and bathory just to name a few this keeps me inspired and then go to my music and stab my muisc with how I feel about certain things
11. Your musical works are released more or less independently. Is this a choice, or are you still looking for a perfect label to share your vision in music?
I have done this independently due to the fact that we haven’t found a specific label that works for us yet so I feel just creating my own was easier.
12. Your lyrics reflects many different themes ranging from Anti Christianity, Murder and Arson. Would you say this is a conceptual EP portraying a narrative or is this its own separate entity?
Like I said before hand our music is to be interpreted by the listener so if that’s what you want it to be and if that’s the emotions it evokes then you have your answer.
13. Do you cope with your own emotions through your music and if so: how? Through the writing or performance?
I Believe I do, I play hard when I feel a certain feeling I play slower and more atmospheric when feeling something else. each emotion plays a chord on our music.
14. Between recording music and performing live shows, which would you say is more in your favor or do you think both have their own significant ways?
We actually don’t play live, not yet anyway. I find it easier to put more emotion and raw feelings into recorded music than live.
15. Many black metal bands face controversy and criticism, how do you respond to these criticisms and negative perceptions of the genre?
People can get criticism from anyone or anything now a days I’ll be honest I don’t really care I create music for the listener not the poser who critiques work.
16. How do you see the black metal scene nowadays? So many subgenres, so many bands… Where is the border between the trve and untrve? What is different now vs. back then when you started – for the scene and for you as a band?
People can use music and manipulate it in their own philosophical views, people can label it what ever they want it to be. But artists who don’t go by labels, well they’re the real blackmetal artists
17. Thank you so much for taking the time to answer some of our questions. Your Final words.
Thank you.