1. Greetings Arganas, Would we start with the origin of the band, both in terms of ideologically and musically, your aims in shaping the direction of ARGANAS?
Greetings. well i have done own music, and when Nåstrond ended in 2016, i started to do more music under the Arganas monicker instead of nåstrond. music wise its black-metal, but also ritual/ambient music and also other forms. theres no direction with arganas, i do what i want or feel to do. i take help of others to finnish my songs.
2. Let’s get back to the times when Black Metal was still a pretty new concept. What were the first bands that took your attention? How did it happen?
Old first wave bands like; slayer, venom, and then bathory. but also some other thrash bands like sodom, sepultura, destruction, kreator etc.later it was classic bands like mayhem, darkthrone, burzum, satyricon to name a few. back then i did some fanzines and tapetrading, so there you discovered new bands.
3. During 23 years you played in Nåstrond. From the start, the Swedish metal scene has been a special one, with many very important and unique bands. How do you see Nastrond in this landscape?
Yes sweden had/have some good bands. i liked bands like sorhin, setherial, marduk, bathory and listened to some others too. Nåstrond has always been different from many others, and we have been more an underground band i think.
4. What has changed in your mindset since the beginning of your musical path? Explain me, please the evolution process that made you become what are you now.
What has changed in your mindset since the beginning of your musical path? Explain me, please the evolution process that made you become what are you now.
hmmm, not easy to say. i think im the same, but wiser. and in the beginning it was much to be as extreme as possible i think. you have to find a balance.

5. How do you feel the black metal scene has morphed in Sweden over time? Is there anything you miss from the past, or anything you feel has changed for the better?
The swedish scene was more extreme in the past. new bands think different. and also music wise some bands have gone in a new direction and also within concept, artwork and lyrics. not for the better. its easier to spread your music with internet, but at the same time theres too many bands doing the same. progress is not allways for the better.
6. You mix your traditional black metal with a pinch of darwave and also industrial/noise. What are your musical influences that contribute significantly to the songwriting?
Yes i try to do the things i feel for the moment. so its like you said black-metal and also ritual/ambient/industrial/noise sounds. i cant say what influences me. maybe old bands in the past without you think about it.
7. When checking today’s extreme music scene, do you miss the ancient days? In which records were made with high spirit, communications were made more sincerely and honestly. What are the main differences for you? Or do you completely feel content about this modern way of extreme music?
well yes. it was different back then. it was new. and also recording music back then was different, now everyone can do it at home with computer etc. modern sound and production dont always sound better. as the oldschool sound in the 90ies was good for the black-metal sound. and still mostly do. but you cant totally dis the new technlocgy. just look what happened when Spotify came to life it was changing the music indistry (both bad and good).
8. Let's talk a bit about the new album, "Kali Mata" What are we going to experience with this record?
The latest release, Kali Mata it is more in the direction of ritual music. to explore your mind and beyond. to expand and get wiser. and its self released by me on pro printed cd(r) and LP (lathe cut).
9. Can you brief us about the writing and recording procedures of your music?
I use modern technolgy (yes im not against it). i sit alone with headphones and a computer and create. when i get an idea or get a feeling (bad or good, sad or glad) then i can sit for hours and just create. then every now and then i cant create, so i have to do other things in music (other styles of music).

10. Are you involved in any other way in the music scene?
I do help other bands/persons with their music in different ways. and have again (like inte past) arranging clubs/gigs.
11. How do you feel about different musical formats (vinyl, cassette, digital etc) both for appreciating other music as well as how you want your music to be appreciated?
Well i like all formats. vinyl/tapes/cds they are also for the collectors of these formats. my fave format is possibly a 7"ep vinyl. i use all too. for different periods and if its to listen to new bands (digital) or old fave bands(cd/vinyl/tapes) or my own stuff. i prefer my music to be out on cd, vinyl & tapes. digitally not as important (i see it more as PR to reach out to others).
12. Talking a bit more in general, what do you find most appealing about black metal and the underground? What can the genre perhaps express more so than other types of music?
Black-metal underground is different from all other genres. death-metal can come close, but still not the same. also it should have the satanic direction as an base. ad when listening to BM you get an mindset and feeling thats different. but as most genres it get spread more and some bands get popular and some sell-out (leave the base and mindset for fame and $).

13. So, what’s coming out next? Anything you want to divulge from the vault of your future plans?
For Arganas we are working on first BM album. and i have almost ready like part 2, for kali mata. and then theres other material waiting. also check out my other dark bands; beneath slumber(doom/death) 1 album ut in 2015. shrouded in darkness (death/doom) 2nd album out now. and my dark goth band sins of infirmity. we walk in the dark side of life and death.