1. Since DWO were formed in 1991 what was the reason into making death metal music and whom are the gateway entries for your discoveries getting into extreme music?
We grew up in the late 80's and early 90's. All of us were into heavy metal and rock when we were kids. And we then just evolved into death metal as it surfaced in the scene. This was before we even knew each other. Obituary, Carcass, Deicide, Cannibal Corpse, and Death were our primary influences, and still kinda are
2. Before becoming a musician, were you self taught taking private music lessons at a young age or did you fully learn and adapt on your own from there?
We were all basically self taught with little instruction. However our Bass player Mark is schooled in music theory and composition
3. Not every band manages 28 years with the same line-up. How does you work so harmoniously that together you can always move forward without any problems? We started in 1995. We went for a few years and dissolved for a bit. Then in 2002 we kicked it into high gear. We wrote most of our older music and performed frequently. Life responsibilities pulled us apart in 2005. Then after a tremendous hiatus we reformed all original members in 2019. Shortly after, we lost our drummer and replaced him with Chris, who was our back up drummer back in the day. Then we lost our lead guitarist. He was an original key member. Instead of dissolving again, we got Josh and 2 Ep's later. Here we are!!! So you can say we have 3.5 original members out of 5
4. Do you identify with the “classic” death metal spirit in the metal underground? You´ve mentioned bands such Obituary, Death, Carcass, Morbid Angel, and Cannibal Corpse as your main influences, how does it emerge in your music?
We look to write music that reminds us of the classics, but not sounding like it. And we definitely put a modern edge to it too.
5. There has been recorded 5 tracks on your self-entitled latest EP, Are there any kind of particular points of inspiration for these tracks that you would like to discuss?
We sought to create a brutal, eerie sound with a touch. Kinda hard to nail down really since a lot of the songs were written independently rather than as a group. So, it was a mixed bag of brutal nuts
6. Can you tell us more about the recording process? Did you do anything unusual or different this time around?
We used a studio and sound engineer. Def made a difference but took way longer.
7. How has the reception been for your EP so far? Have there been any standout moments or memorable experiences you'd like to share?
Decent reception for being an unsigned band. It was cool getting our music on bandcamp and all the streaming services. Online Radio assistance was great too.
8. Both of your musical works are released more or less independently. Is this a choice, or are you still looking for a perfect label to share your vision in music?
We would love to be signed. It is the push we need to get over the last little hump for recording and getting our music out to more folks.
9. Your death metal has always been intense and fast, but what caused such a strong explosion of energy?
Simple, "This is the way"
10. The artwork for ‘Death Warmed Over’ is astoundingly shadowy and mysterious… very fitting. Who designed this sinister masterpiece? How did you work with them on achieving what you imagined?
We commissioned the same person for all our artwork. We own it all. Our drummer Chris found someone online from Europe and he basically gives him an idea and he runs with it and delivers.

11. Usually when a band writes material they divide roles into ‘musicians’ and ‘lyricists’, as if the musicians writes the music for a song and the lyricist add the lyrics on top. Tell us about your creative process and what inspires you both as musicians and lyricists?
We write independently and as a group with feedback. There is no set formula but we leave plenty of room for everybodies ideas.
12. Were there any elements of the recording that proved particularly troublesome?
Maybe just our inexperience with modern studio techniques.
13. How do you balance maintaining a polished studio sound with capturing the raw energy of your live shows?
We record all tracks together live and edit as needed.
14. How does the band's live performance translate the intensity and energy of your music to the stage.
Practice makes perfect - If we are tight, it is demonstrated live. Period!!
15. Describe your ideal live show as a performance band. Have you already experienced that?
Large venue with a 1000 or more in attendance
16. With many bands on the horizon whether it brutal death or any form of genres the underground scene for music has been consistent and getting better overtime. Do you think the community is healthier than it ever has been before, if so what’s your intake on that?
It is healthy for sure - but sometimes all the genres seem to divide us more than unite as metal bands. There is alot of vanity that sometimes surfaces. But basically, we all play well together
17. How do you feel the metal scene has evolved in The States over recent years, particularly in your own area Ohio?
Here in Ohio the advent of small time promoters with a passion for metal and the local venues committed to metal. This has grown exponentially in Ohio in the last several years.

18. Which things do you think a band should sacrifice in order to succeed? Have you ever sacrificed anything in your life for a better future for your band?
Another tough question. There are always sacrifices and balances. The best way I can say it is choosing between what we want to do versus what we ought to do.
19. Now that you all are older and more mature, how do you feel you have developed as musicians and do you think you look at music a little differently now that you’re older?
We are focused more on musical perfection rather than the party of being in a band.
20. I want to thank you, sincerely, for your time. Before we end our conversation, is there anything else in particular you’d like to share?
Yes, we just released our 2nd EP, Trench Warfare. Find it on our bandcamp and soon on all streaming services. Thanks for supporting us and welcoming us into the South American Metal family. Death Warmed Over is Coming For You.