1. Hello my friend, pleasure to have you on Rotten Pages ´zine. How are you doing today? Let us set the scene first. Where do we find you right now? Please describe your surroundings.
Corey- Smoking a joint, wathcing Friday the 13th while on skype.
Randy and Eric - Having a skype call with Corey for this Interview, in Eric’s music room.
2. Let us start with the most exciting news! Your first full studio release “Divinist” came out a few months ago. What is this EP about? Does it have storyline?
Not so much a storyline, more of a compilation of songs we wrote with their own story. The songs focus on alot of dark topics such as nuclear war and witchcraft.
3. Musically you guys incorporate a wide variety of styles, from doom to death, stoner to sludge metal as well. Does this make the process of coming up with dynamic material easier or difficult – or do you enjoy the variety that you can develop as a result of not boxing yourselves into one particular sub-genre?
We take influence from a ton of different music. We are all older now and have listened to a lot of things and use this influence to write our own type of music. We enjoy the variety.
4. Band’s origins are from Derry, Pennsylvania. How is this city for metal music? Friendly or opposing? How are the younger generations in Pennsylvania area in general?
We all live in separate areas of rural Pennsylvania. Pittsburgh would be the closest city to us with a thriving metal scene. There are definitely a lot of younger people into all kinds of metal.
5. The band started in 2021, If you could go over your whole career and pin point the events that you are most proud of what would they be?
Releasing our EP would be the biggest event so far. Getting all the songs written within a year, as well as produced and recorded was an accomplishment.

6. What do you feel is the quintessential element of Divinist’ sound?
Simple, but heavy, riffs with death metal vocals.
7. Some of the melodies you use are dark and atmospheric. To you, what makes up a good melody line?
Simplicity with minimum music theory knowledge.
8. “Warhead” is one of my favorite songs on the EP. Can you give me some details on it? It’s absolutely sinister and murky…
Warhead is about nuclear war. Everything horrible that has to deal with it. The influence for that song came from many types of war movies. We are not a political band at all, but that song is definitely against war.
9. The production on your EP is really crushing. What can you tell me about the master/mixing process? As I can see, everything is arranged and done by guitarist Corey. Are you satisfied with final results?
Corey - I appreciate
that very much. This was my first album i produced. Through listening to other bands from many different genres, as well as learning techniques from internet sources it came out pretty well.
10. As a musician, how mandatory is the process of coming up with new ideas or incorporating new influences as opposed to staying within the style you are known for or that you are most familiar with?
We definitely do not box ourselves into one style. It circles back to incorporating all of our different influences.

11. You´ve signed with Necrotic Records, How important is having a label to back you up today when you can just release your music on any sort of platform online? Are there any negative consequences to music being too readily available to fans?
Necrotic Records does most of our physical releases. We do our own online music distribution. We want music to be as available as possible. It is not negative at all.
12. I cant find any information (or photos) related live shows of the band. How much of a live band are you? How important is playing live?
We are currently not a live band. We jam together as much as we can. We haven’t had any shows to date with Divinist. We are in search of a drummer to play live shows with.
13. What have you been listening to lately? Any new and upcoming bands that might have caught your attention? What about literature and movies, much of a fan?
Corey - I've been listening to a lot of Job for a Cowboy, Korn, and Conan. Conan is blowing up. I watch a lot of 80s horror. Slasher and giallo types.
Randy - I've been listening to a lot of Tomb Mold, Cough, and Ratt. I like a lot of horror movies and comedy. Evil Dead is probably my favorite.
Eric – I've been listening to a lot of various things lately. Nothing particular. Bongripper has been on repeat a lot for me lately. I also like horror movies, as well as a lot of fantasy, sci-fi, and comedy. Star Wars is number 1.
14. If you could sum up what you hope to express with your music, what would that be? What differentiates your take on this from other bands in your genre?
There is nothing we really hope to express. We enjoy writing songs and taking the influence from what listen to and watch, which is usually dreary.
15. Just how important is artistic appeal for you? Does aesthetics play a big role in your music?
Artistic appeal is definitely important in the songwriting. We won’t be doing anything aesthetically special for any kind of live performances though. We appreciate the kinds of bands that do things like that.
16. We have come to the last question of the interview. What are the last words for fans out there?
Stay tuned for the next album bitches!