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Interview DOOMENTOR (Germany)


Greetings from Peru, Doomentor. How is everything going in Germany these days?

Ave Edu! Well everything is fine in Germany if you mean it personally! But the whole political situation is strange here in Europe because the war in Ukrain.

You guys are a very active band, having released an album every two years with a very characteristic sound which is addictive, but there is something I’ve been wondering about: Why the hell a band like yours does not have the media coverage you deserve? I mean this since I actually found only one interview, and not a good one at all, when researching in order to write this questionnaire. Is this because you prefer to remain underground? I actually have this question running in my head.

Well, till now we did interviews more in print zines like Deaf Forever in Germany, the Decibel Mag from the USA and some undergeound zines, but all in all your right! We did‘t have many interview requests till now.

All of Doomentor members have been involved into different bands which basically played between Thrash and Black Metal, but Doomentor has a very different sound, a mix of Black, Doom, Thrash, Heavy, even some incursions of Progressive and Psychedelic Rock at certain moments, combination that makes your productions an exquisite experience to be heard. What led you guys to play this style? How would you define your music? Do you consider you found the sound you were looking for when you started the road in music?

All of us played and plays in other bands. Our Ceremony Master and me are also in Blizzard, I played in Mayhemic Truth, Morrigan and Witchburner in the past and our Dead Monk on Bass played and plays in Blooddust and Sexorcist. We are all in the Metal scene since a long time (the Ceremony Master and myselfe since the middle/end of the 80th and our Dead Monk on Bass since the end of the 90th, but he is 15 years younger than us). Our main infulence is Black and Death Metal of course but we all listening to different styles of hard music ip from Hardrock up to extreme Metal and we have no limits in our songwriting. All can be, but it have to fit our dark style of Black/Death Metal.

Let’s talk a little about Doom What Thou Wilt. I read that this album is part of a tetralogy when talking about lyrics. Can you tell us about that? Why working on such an idea? Does that mean that a fifth full album will contribute to the same line or can we expect a different narrative in your new tracks?

Haha we never said that we do a tetralogy! We don‘t really know how some review writers comes up with this theory! Our songs comes naturaly from our minds and we have no major plan for our music and lyrical concept! The only concept we have is to create dark and powerful Metal music!

You released the videos for two tracks from your latest production: Burn with hate and The hanged man. In the case of the latter, you compiled different scenes of a movie to tell a story. How connected is the visual part to the lyrics? In the case of Burn with hate, the thing is different since you appear kind of acting in the video. What’s the narrative of this video regarding the song? Are you happy with the result of both videoclips?

The videos are done by the Ceremony Master. By the way there are 3 more video clips from our last album done by him. Normaly he use scenes from some movies and documentarys that fit‘s to the lyrics of the song. For Burn With Hate we use some video scenes we did during the photoshooting for the new promo pics for Doom What Thou Wilt… which we made at an old convent near our hometowns. We thought that this will make the video a little bit different from the other cutted videos and yes, we are still satisfied with the videos!

Doom What Thou Wilt has gotten good reviews in your area. How do you feel about it? Have you received any comments from other countries/continents?

On the other hand, the title Doom What Thou Wilt, which, together with the cover, is a very direct reference to Thelema. How much does Crowley’s philosophy influence your daily lives.

Crowley and his philosophy is a big infulence for our live because we are all supporters of free minds! Beside Crowley we are interrested in ancient mythologies, theories and nature mysticism.

I saw that you wear a kind of medieval monk gowns when playing live, the same you wear on the band promotional pictures. What other imagery can we find in Doomentor ‘s live shows? How would you describe your presentations?

We try to create a dark ritual in our live performances. We use the monk cloaks, candles, pentagrams and mystic signs on stage to celebrate a perfect live ceremony.

You all have been part of the German scene for a long time. How do you see the Extreme Metal Movement in Germany compared to the days when you started? Is there anything you consider that has improved through the years?

I think there is to much politics in the german scene these days! Many bands use political and social critic themes in their lyrics and for us such themes have nothing to do with Metal!

I’ve had the opportunity to work with different people from your country and all of them have something in common: playing instruments, classical music instruments basically. What is education like there? Do you guys play any other instruments besides the one you do in Doomentor? Do you listen to any other music genres besides Metal?

Well beside the drums I play or try to play bass guitar, our Ceremony Master also plays Bass and piano and our Dead Monk on bass plays normaly guitar in his other bands. Our main music taste is Metal and Rock of course but we also listening to classic music, some Folk and myselfe some 80th dark pop and electronic music like Kraftwerk.

I saw you will play live next November sharing the stage with Fleshless from Czech Republic. What are your expectations for this show? Are there any other probable performances in mind?

Yes this will be our first show after the pandemic shit that happens worldwide. And we will give our best to do a great live ceremony and spread pure darkness! Of course we hope to do more live rituals in futur arround the world! Whatch out for it!

Talking about live shows, during the first years of pandemic many bands and some festivals opted to do broadcast shows as an alternative to keep the essence alive. What is your opinion about this type of events? What do you consider the pros and cons of broadcast gigs are? Did you participate in any? If not, would you? Why?

This is no option for us! We want to spread darkness at a live performance and this is not possible at a streaming show with no growd in front of the stage!

Thank you so much for your time. Is there anything you would like to add?.

Many thanks for the interview and your interrest in Doomentor, Edu! Hope to meet you personaly in futur! For all interested dark souls out there check our releases on our bandcamp pace and watch out for some possile rituals near your hometowns! Regards From The Depths Of Hell

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