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Interview EURONYME (France)


1. Hello my friend, pleasure to have you on Rotten Pages ´zine. How are you doing today? Let us set the scene first. Where do we find you right now? Please describe your surroundings.

Hello, things are going pretty well today, I'm currently in my home studio with my girlfriend.

2. I can´t find information related your foundation. For how many years has you been active as a musician? And how has your sound evolved over the years, and what has kept you inspired to continue creating music?

Yes indeed after having made music in several musical styles I decided to officially come out of the shadows with metal. Making metal my main goal! It's been about 8 years since I started composing sounds of all styles and learning how to mix them. It took me a long time to learn on my own.

3. Can you name some of the bands who you first really admired and helped shape your future in music?

I think the band that had the most impact on me when talking about the metal world was Dissection. This is why my next album will be a little different and more blackmetal/Death in homage to Jon Nodveidt from Dissection who I admire a lot as a musician.

4. Your debut album, “Confessions,” delivered a depressive, epic, and atmospheric sound. Can you tell us about the inspiration behind the album and how it felt to release your music to the world?

This Album "Confessions" is in fact a very old composition both in terms of lyrics and text. I felt the need to write this at the time to release the pain inside me. So I started with a very simplistic composition to try to make something a little better but I also didn't want to distort the original sound. Both in terms of composition and mixing I am not very satisfied with the result. Even if the next album looks to be much better composed on the technical side and much better produced in my home studio, I am still happy to have been able to release this Album which is for me a dark part of my life.

5. As the sole member behind Euronyme, how do you manage the creative process of writing and composing music, lyrics, and playing multiple instruments?

Well I compose all the instruments together little by little to form a piece that I first structured (I tell you about my current method) the song is written for it beforehand when I have a moment of inspiration . It comes by itself then I start composing the guitars with the verse and the chorus to fit with the lyrics. And the rest follows. Sometimes I do it differently, I like to compose on the Guitare Pro software which gives me a way to listen directly to what it sounds like.

6. What are the most challenging aspects when writing a song and how do you go about the approach?

The most difficult aspects for me are finding a time when my mood matches the style of music I want to make. I don't force things, if I'm depressed I write something depressing…

7. When you write songs that are longer than 06 minutes how do you keep it interesting to listen to?

Well, personally in "Confessions" I find that what is missing is perhaps something that would revive the listener to make them want to listen until the end. Plus the whole album is more or less the same which makes it boring and depressing but can seem boring to some... I'm working to avoid that for the next Album.

8. What were the main challenges you faced in learning to mix music and how did you overcome them?

Well the main challenge I encountered was that since I couldn't concentrate on one style and I was always changing I had to learn to adapt. But the biggest difficulty was finding interesting information and knowing how to sort the good from the bad. The Internet is a complicated world. Learning without professional advice cost me a lot of wasted time. Since the release of the album I have evolved a lot in my productions because now I take my time whereas my big fault was wanting to do things too quickly. You have to be patient and take your time.

9. What are some techniques you haven’t used on your current albums that you would love to experiment with in future releases?

On the next album I'm going to do something much more technical in terms of composition. I've already done 10 pretty good compositions but I haven't yet tried to make a coherent album. I'm not yet sure what style I want even if I tend towards Black metal / Death Metal. In addition, I have greatly improved the realism of the guitars with techniques that I have refined to the point that now a real guitarist does not distinguish the real one from the false one. Because yes, I told you, I am a computer artist. I play little or no guitar, I'm slow to learn so everything is recorded in midi, and programmed then made realistic, even the amp is virtual (for now I would like to use a real amp the day I have the money). Everything is virtual even the battery. In "confessions" it's still a little faltering but I swear to you that the next albums you will see nothing but fire. Despite the fact that I am not a musician in the sense that playing an instrument would make me a musician, I think I managed to achieve what I wanted thanks to current IT resources and a lot of work.

10. How do you define “underground” and where do you see yourself and your band in it?

For me, the underground is doing what we like without wanting to reach heights, to have fun, not to seek glory. If I wanted fame I would have already considered making pop rather than weird depressive atmospheric black metal. I see my group as underground especially since I do everything from A to Z from composition to mastering.

11. Away from the metal scene, musicians are very often associated with satanism. You are a black metal band - how close are you to religious themes?

No, I don't see myself as a Satanist even though during my adolescence I was interested in it, but all this no longer interests me. Besides, I built my own religion because none suited me, I wanted my own justice, my own rules. But the religious theme doesn't interest me except for folklore.

12. Live performances are an integral part of the black metal experience. Does Euronyme have any plans for live shows or touring in the future? How do you envision translating your atmospheric music into a live setting?

No, I have no desire to perform on stage, maybe even make music videos if that arises, but nothing more. I'm a bit like the talented Maxime Taccardi and his group K.F.R. I'm all alone and I intend to stay that way except perhaps for collaborations, but I don't want to make a scene, that's for sure! Maybe later in a real group where I will have musicians, as a singer and composer. Who knows ?

13. Have you had the chance to travel much over the years? Any places you would insist people must visit at least once in their lives?

No, I'm very home-loving but I recommend Warsaw in Poland, it's a great city when you spend a little time there. Otherwise I just visited England a little but that didn't make an impression on me. But I had the chance to meet a great girl from Madagascar who is a professional singer and she is going to show me around her country very soon. I'm very impatient and maybe this will influence my music later…

14. How do you feel the metal scene has evolved in France over recent years, particularly in black metal?

In Black Metal in France there are a lot of racist and extremist comments I find. But I think that's always been the case. It's a shame that this style that I love is doomed to attract more or less neo-Nazi groups. But personally, even if a French black metal group is extremist, I can still enjoy listening if I like the music but as soon as the lyrics become hateful I move on. But honestly, I won't really know what to answer you about the evolution of French black metal. I have little or no interest in it.

15. On an international level, how has your music been received? Do you try to promote your music on a large scale?

Hum, I didn't push the promotion of the album too much, to say I didn't do any promotion mainly due to lack of means. But thank you for the time you took from me.

16. Thank you for taking the time to speak to us. Do you have any final words, or anything you would like to add?

Even if you don't know how to play an instrument but you love music and want to create something, persevere, there are always ways to get what you want. And also I want to say that I am rather disappointed with this Album in terms of composition and production because I have evolved a lot since then but I am happy to have published it because it is a page that I am turning on my pass.

Thank you for all !

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