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1. Hello my friend, pleasure to have you on Rotten Pages ´zine. How are you doing today? Let us set the scene first. Where do we find you right now? Please describe your surroundings.

We are well today thanks for asking. As we reply to your questions we sit in my 2 car garage that has been transformed into a rehearsal space for FREQUENCY OVERLOAD. We call it the Freaq Lounge. It is painted black and green with the walls covered in posters and tapestries. LIFE OF AGONY, PYREXIA, CARNIVORE, MEGADETH, SLAYER, LAMB OF GOD, ECT. From not only our favorite bands but our own show fliers as well. We built a drum riser, put in stage lights, and even have our stage banner hanging above the drums.

2. Let’s start with the boring basics. Care to explain to the unknowing precisely where in the world you emanate such an aura of great music?

FREQUENCY OVERLOAD hails from Long Island New York, USA. For people who know New York would head east for about 1.5 hours out into the suburbs. Long Island New York has long been a hot bed of music and metal in particular. When Mr. Bush was in high school he played back yard keg parties alongside the likes of Suffocation and Pyrexia.

Although he was never a death metal vocalist he was instrumental in building and supporting a metal scene that had never been seen before on Long Island. The Freaq Lounge in a little town called Rocky Point. Our other rehearsal space, called Fat Bottom Studio, is in our guitarists house in Selden New York.

3. You´ve started one year ago, overall what has been the greatest challenge the band has faced up until today?

FREQUENCY OVERLOAD’s greatest challenge thus far, we believe is time and money. I'm sure we are not alone in that. We all work more than 40 hours a week, own homes, and have families. To record, rehearse, write, and play out takes a lot of logistics. However once the metal bug bites you...its part of you forever.

4. What were the goals you had in mind when you started to make music, any elements you definitely wanted to have on the songs?

FREQUENCY OVERLOAD had no preconceptions of elements or goals really for the music. Our main music writer and guitarist Corey Schaefer, had some of the songs written, then when he met drummer, Kevin Daily, they began to write more. Mr. Bush entered the picture after posting in a musicians group on Facebook that he was a lyric writer and front man. He came over and stated writing lyrics and then we lured in bass player Steve Little through the same Facebook group. Now our goal is to play out and of course finish the full length album, and at that point push the marketing end of things

5. Now, I’d like to ask you on the process of composing your tunes. Describe us, if possible, your typical procedure when writing songs: What comes first, really? Music or lyrics?

In FREQUENCY OVERLOAD since Mr. Bush is the singer/lyricist, and does not play an instrument, it is MUSIC FIRST for us. Typically guitarist, Corey Schaefer, or bassist Steve Little, come up with a riff to build on. Although drummer Kevin Daily often comes up with a beat to build around. On a few occasions, Mr. Bush, after being given a song will use lyrics written in the past from his lyric book.

6. How would you describe your musical progress and what direction do you see the music heading into on future releases?

I would describe FREQUENCY OVERLOAD’s musical progress as meant to be. It has come together with such speed and lack of intent, effortless...just allowing the music to unfold and the creation to grow. It is rare to find the chemistry between members when a team is really formed. We cannot really be jammed into a genre, and that's great. We can tell you now that the second album, (which is nearly complete), is along the same upbeat, powerful, catchy, slams and melody's as the first album which will be released early 2024. Hell, we may release two albums in 2024, ya never know.

7. ’Your songs have the ability to sound both thrashy as quite groovy, the result is very fresh yet comfortable. Is this something you consciously aim for when writing your music?

FREQUENCY OVERLOAD has not “consciously” done anything. That's the beauty of it. We have simply allowed the process to happen at its own terms...and it is UNBELIEVABLE, the progress we have made in 16 months is shocking even to us.

8. When it comes to your lyrics, what are some of the key themes you’ve chosen to focus on in Frequency Overload?

In FREQUENCY OVERLOAD we try to let the music dictate what the lyrics will say. But I can say for sure that it’s always about the human psychological state. Narcissists, greed, envy, fear, hate, revenge...the human condition and thought patterns.

9. What represents the fact of being on stage for you? Is it the best part for a musician? Can you recall one performance, which you just wish you could not forget?

We all agree that the pay off for us, up until now, has always been positive crowd feedback. The pure energy and waves of power that emanate from a band and are reflected back from a crowd is indescribable. Its like the universe screaming “WE ARE ONE”.

10. Give me 5 bands you would love to open up for, live, and why? The FREQUENCY OVERLOAD 5 bands to open for list!

Over all band choice:

1. LIFE OF AGONY-Reason why: Joey Z, guitarist of LIFE OF AGONY, is producing our first album and we have grown to embrace him not only as a producer, musician, and engineer...but as a friend and mentor as well. They also cross genre boundaries with a musical style that has become iconic.

Steve Little, (bass), choice:

2. IRON MAIDEN-Reason being that Steve Harris brought bass playing in metal to a whole new level. He upped the ante on what the role of bass is, and was pivotal in creating the entire Maiden legacy.

Kevin Daily, (drums), choice:

3. ANTHRAX-reason-I would open for Anthrax. Among the Living was life changing when it came out filled with metal mosh classics that were so original and fresh. They continue to put out killer music today. They are from Queens New York also which makes it seem more realistic.

Corey Schaefer, (guitar), choice:

4. MEGADETH-The reasons I would choose to open for MEGADETH are many. I feel that we would appeal and get a good response from their fans, and I would love to meet Dave of the greatest riff masters out there.

Mr. Bush,(chokalist), choice:

5. MUNICIPAL WASTE-the reason I want to open for MUNICIPAL WASTE is that I know their drummer Dave from way back when he was in Human Remains and I was in Social Disease. We played together and still communicate once in a while. Cool dudes and great tunes.

11. In general: What fascinates you about metal music? Is it the possibility to express aggression? Is it the energy which is usually conveyed in this music? Or is it something entirely different?

The expression of point of view and of course all emotion. The things that drive us...lust, anger, hatred, violence, fear, sadness. No genre has a more diverse ability to address all of these. The metal community, who accepts and embraces all, has given us a true freedom of expression. And of course the driving, unrelenting power of heavy metal has always been what fascinated all of us. From the beginnings.

12. Could you give us a little insight into the metal-scene on Long Island? Are there many bands that play metal? And how are gig-possibilities et cetera?

There is a large metal scene on Long Island. And many really great bands. For the most part we have small dive bar venues, then some medium and large clubs. The largest near us is The Paramount in Huntington. Many clubs are “pay to play” which in essence means you need to buy in and sell your own tickets. That's fine if its a big club with a national act rolling in to headline, but many small bars are now asking for payment. To us that is insane, we are bringing the people who spend. Recently I founded THE LONG ISLAND METAL ALLIANCE on facebook just for this purpose, to help the metal bands.

13. What’s your view on the value of music today? In what way does the abundance of music change our perception of it?

Music is and always will hold value especially to the listener who can relate to the message. But it’s a double edged sword. We love the fact that so many musicians also love metal music, but with that you get a lot of imitation and repetition. I think the abundance shows the love of music as creative art, however it also becomes white noise. But as always the best will rise and be heard.

14. I want to thank you, sincerely, for your time. Before we end our conversation, is there anything else in particular you’d like to share?

Thank you for your interest and support of FREQUENCY OVERLOAD! Of course we want to share or web address Also to remind your readers that what is available right now on spotify, deezer, apple music, ect. Are home recordings and will be replaced with our new recordings soon! The only song that can be accessed now from the new recordings is the lyric video for our song LOVE AND BULLETS . There is a link on our site from the video page. Cheers, and peace out from Long Island New York and FREQUENCY OVERLOAD!

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