1. Hello Homvnkvlvs, what was the driving force behind giving birth to this project? You have had experience with other bands before?
The driving force to bring this project to life was a mixture of several factors, on the one hand there were personal events that had to be processed, and on the other hand i felt the urge to make music again and to create something that was getting bigger and bigger. i've been a musician since i was a kid, i've been playing drums in extreme metal genres since i was young, it was always part of my identity. Then after a break of several years and the chain of certain events i was ready to start this project and so Mysterivm Xarxes was Born, and i Knew i Need to go This path as a one man project.
2. First of all, congrats on your debut album “Grave of Urshilaku". Judging by the reviews, I can safely deduct that everybody was pleased by this release. What effect has this album’s reception on you? How do you fell about it?
The motivation and energy i put into this first album was great and it took a lot from me to deal with things that bothered me, nevertheless it felt very liberating when the album was finished, the encouragement of some people were there, the album left a good impression in certain scene circles, of course that makes you feel positive, but it was never the driving force to please many, i see this project as a kind of self-therapy
3. How does look like creating process of your music? I imagine such music as a really deep and personal opus of one mind.
The process of writing a song is so broad. inspiration is everywhere . you just have to look closely and consciously, life, death, between realities such as dreams, visions, encounters with people, all of this can inspire me to make music and to process what I have experienced. sometimes a riff or a whole song idea comes up while i'm in the car, sometimes i have to focus a lot on it to create something new that i like or something that touches me inside. to put it briefly: this process does not follow any pattern at all and can happen again and again in a totally different way, that is truly an interesting path to take.
4. Describe us, if possible, your typical procedure when writing songs: What comes first, really? Music or lyrics?
As I said . The process is many layers. But it's usually a new drum pattern or guitar runs and melodies first. texts always come at the very end, but they are often put together in the back of my mind. with some songs it was very clear to me in advance which emotion and topic had to be treated.
5. What is music for you? Does it bring you some new emotions or it helps you to get ride of some negative emotions?
Music is and has always been a big part of my life. a valve to process things . it always contributes to my salvation and lets me keep my inner struggles and demons in check.
music is one of the greatest forces in this world

6. The titles and the lyrics of your songs emit a dark, bleak perspective. Where do you draw inspiration from? Does this sullenness reflect your actual feelings?
The lyrics are very personal and some of them had a very therapeutic effect on me, writing about sorrows and inner abysses of the soul can be very liberating and healing. other texts, on the other hand, were the fictions and perspectives of other people that i put myself in mentally to understand them better. these lyrics are part of the whole , but the music is in the foreground for me .
7. Black metal as a genre has been considered a philosophy by some, while some others consider it an avenue to express their anti-religious sentiments. What are your views on black metal as a whole?
For me, the black metal genre is an extreme form of personal expression, an art form in general, an opportunity to slip into another role and under this cloak and in this role you can release emotions that you would otherwise have in your usual role in life do not express. in addition to the music, the visual aspect is particularly important in the genre, it underscores the gloom that many feel in themselves, i think many musicians and listeners in this genre process things that concern them and give heavy emotions a face, an identity, but which you can take off again when it's time to distance yourself from it again. black metal is more emotional and fragile than it appears at first glance.
8. Being the sole musician behind the band as well, would it be possible to tell us more about your personal musical background?
In the past i played in bands that often played live, from black/death metal to hardcore Punk and grindcore, everything was there, but also jazz. I was also a drummer in a big band a few years .
making music together with talented musicians can be a pleasure, but it also brings with it complications that you don't have with a solo project. you are always in control and can work on it at any time, no matter when or where, you are not dependent on the whims and egos of others, a quality that i value very much.

9. Have you ever considered enlisting members to handle the various instruments in order to perform live, and if not, why not?
I really enjoy making music on my own, but I'm playing with the idea of ​​performing with this project on a stage if certain factors are right, if competent session musicians can get excited about it to join me.
Of course, this would require that you work on something together again, go back to a rehearsal room and practice a set. with the right people i can definitely imagine that, but from the current point of view that's more in the future.
I let this come to me . I would then like to only act as a vocalist on the microphone and face a completely new challenge.
10. You signed with Fvel The Fire Records for the debut album. How do you value your relationship with the label so far, concerning the promotion and overall help?
I was able to work very constructively and harmoniously with my partner from fvel the fire. the guy behind the label is an absolute genre fan himself and a fan of my first demos, everything went well hand in hand, my project also scored well with his regular customers.
Unfortunately, the label has been shut down for certain reasons at the moment. It is currently unclear when it will continue, but I would be very happy if we could continue working together, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the support, the trust and the motivation , also with the graphic artist salty kowa arts , it was an honor for me .
11. With the easy access to internet you can spread your music across the globe just sitting in front of your computer. How much effort to you put into promoting the band world-wide?
I am definitely regularly active on platforms like instagram and co. i see these sites as a good tool to present yourself, to make contacts and to get an insight into the scene. Of course there are people who would describe this development in the scene as 'untrve', but it's no longer the beginning of the 90s when people still traded tape and sent handwritten letters, even if I can understand the nostalgic value.
i will definitely continue to use it to promote new artwork and albums .
12. What is the heavy music scene like in Austria? Â What are some other bands from your country that we should be paying attention to?
I think we have a lot to offer in austria in the extreme metal area and especially in black metal, even some greats who have been celebrating success for years and give live shows all over the world, such as ellende, harakiri for the sky, but there are also strong underground bands such as depraved inclination, karner, nekrodeus, arctic sea survivers, necrosophy. and many more . so it's worth taking a closer look.

13. Many thanks again for your valuable time! I wish you only the best! The last words to our readers are of course yours!
I would also like to thank you, it was an honor for me to be part of this.
Thank you all who hear and feel my music, thank you for your strong support,
a new album is already in the works, splits with other strong projects are also planned, such as eliante. , all the best to you , homvnkvlvs from Mysterivm xarxes.
"The blazing flame is kindled and burns for new tasks, it is to guide me through dark depths and abysses, led by the ascended masters, they also guide my way, may you always burn, forever"