1.Hi guys! How have you been and what have you been up to as a band in recent times?
Hi, first of all, thank you very much for contacting and interviewing us, we really
appreciate that. Everything is great at the moment, the album is out and it’s getting
good reviews, we are doing our best promoting it and we also played some live shows
in Italy.
2. First of all, congratulations on your new album. That touched me musically so
much. What do you personally represent on this all 9 tracks?
Thanks! It took some months to write, arrange and record the album, it represents our
intentions, we wanted to write something fresh, both influenced by old school death
metal and the modern new dissonant wave. Plus we wanted to add some orchestral
influence. We thing the album has a dramatic touch.
3. You have a style that is all your own. While I’m sure the years have honed your craft, I’m curious about the early beginnings – Were you certain of your identity back then? Did you know you had something different to share with the world?
At the beginning the band had another name (Sinatras) and the genre was a little
different, we started as a Death ‘n’ roll band. After some line up changes and new
influences the the songwriting was going in a different direction so we decided to
change name and we felt that we were going to create something new and more
4. The first thing that caught my attention was that there are a lot of different elements on your music and a lot of melodies also. Do you cope with your own emotions through your music and if so: how?
We have in mind a specific direction, our music is sad and gloomy, often nihilistic in
lyrics. We love it to be dissonant and experimental, we work a lot on melodies, guitar
textures and rhythmic solutions.
5. Musically you guys incorporate a wide variety of styles, from progressive
to experimental, doom to death metal as well. Does this make the process of coming up with dynamic material easier or difficult?
It is much easier because we don’t set any boundaries and influences can flow naturally
from each musician in the phase of composing and arranging.
6. What do you feel is the quintessential element of Sonum sound?
It’s not an element, it’s a balance between different elements: death metal fury, dissonant harmonies and rhythmic complexity.
7. What is your creative routine? How many times per week you rehearse? Is there some piece of gear you wouldn’t be able to work without?
Rehearse during songwriting is most intense compared to the phase of promotion, it
usually is one rehearse per week. Most of the time the main idea of the song is created
by one of the two guitarists at home and then the whole band work on that. Gear is
important helping during composition and recording, but it’s just a tool.
8. Your music includes a lot of orchestrations/arrangements and interludes. What do these musical approach represent?
Those elements are part of the journey, we create the album as a whole: even if it’s not
a concept album the flow in listening is very important. Those interludes are transitions
like sometimes happens in cinema. Film music is part of our mixed influences, since our
drummer is a film composer he did orchestrations for the album.
9. You´ve signed with WormholeDeath label. How important is having a label to back you up today when you can just release your music on any sort of platform online? Are there any negative consequences to music being too readily available to fans?
Having a label is important because, if they believe in your music, as WormholeDeath
does in our case, they help you to promote you work through right channels.

10. What part does art-work and lay-out play when you release new recordings? How do you best catch people’s attention?
That is very important, we try to create something intense with our music and art work
in general help people to visualize our ideas.
11. On an international level, how has your music been received? Do you try to promote your music on a large scale?
Our music is receiving a very good feedback both through reviews and people
comments, we are trying to promote it worldwide: luckily, thanks to internet and social
medias, that is possible.
12. If you could go over your whole musical career and pin point the events that you are most proud of what would they be?
This is our first album and we are very happy it’s been released, that is what we are
most proud of at the moment.
13. Apart from making a living, what do you enjoy most about being a musician?
It’s about passion, about creating something new with your friends and then bringing
your music on a live stage, where you can connect with other people, fans and
14. What is your opinion about the Italian metal scene in general? Do you think the scene is more active than it was before?
Italian scene is very active since 90s, even if it was more about power metal at that
time. Nowadays the underground scene is very prolific and interesting.
15. So, what’s coming out next? Anything you want to divulge from the vault of your future plans?
We are concentrated on promoting Visceral Void Entropy at the moment, after that we
are going to think about the next album.
16. OK, we have reached the end of our conversation, is there something that you want to say still?
Thank you very much for this interview, we hope some new fans will get curious about
our music and will check it out. If so let’s get in touch on our social media and let us
know your opinions. Thanks. https://www.facebook.com/sonum.deathmetal