1. Hello my friend, pleasure to have you on Rotten Pages ´zine. How are you doing today? Let us set the scene first. Where do we find you right now? Please describe your surroundings.
Hi, thanks, im fine and extremely busy :) At the moment we are in Hamburg and live here and we have regular jobs that allow us to survive :)
And the city is pretty cool, the second biggest city in the country and very close to Wacken, which means you can see a lot of metalheads from all over the world on the streets of Hamburg on these days, because to get to Wacken you have to go to Hamburg :)
2. Band’s origins are from Hamburg. How is this city for metal music? Friendly or opposing? How are the younger generations in Hamburg area in general?
Hamburg is pretty good, we have some metal clubs and concert locations where we can see international metal bands
and also all local bands have chance to play in these clubs and meet their fans.
Of course, new generations get the chance to play in these places.
3. Axiom Utopia is a duo — how long have you known each other? And how did you discover death metal for the first time?
We know each other i think for 12 years and we actually met for my first project "Coagulation" which was Technical Brutal DM (see below link),
it was our first meeting to do the vocal recordings for the first EP. After that we started meeting regularly and started
going to concerts and hanging out in the scene. Christoph started with death metal in the early 90s and had a very cool band in Hamburg called Irate Architect.
I discovered death metal or extreme metal in the year 2000, but at that time we listened to completely different music, not only death metal.
This is the reason why we can do Axiom Utopia together, because we have different influences and visions about music and it brings
a really cool approach to find new ideas.
4. Oftentimes, death metal has been a struggle between technicality and simplicity.
You´ve preferred the first. Do you think death metal have to be complex?
Actually Im not really sure that we preferred the first one but I can say that we have some technical influences and touches.
No, Death Metal doesn`t have to be complex, it`s just the development in time. The music is always evolving and developing itself.
5. Talking about your EP “Disembodied Voices”, How do you consider this record as far as music skills and your Technical Death metal craft?
The recording was done with a very basic setup (Home Recording Studio) and a low budget. We didn't use much software other than the basic necessary software.
We used a very simple recording setup. We didn't want it to sound too modern and bright, so we are very happy with the
result and we think it reflects the spirit of the songs very well. On the other hand, I worked on more unique ideas for the instrumental
playing. I took great care to ensure that the technical level and harmony between guitar and bass complement each other.
I never wanted one to be inferior to the other.

6. Can you briefly inform us about the overall lyrical theme of the songs?
Of course. The lyrical theme of the songs is linked to the band's name.
Axiom Utopia is a combination of two different words and it means utopia of absolute truth.
Accordingly, we have built the lyrics around this meaning. We express that
there is only one truth that dominates the world and our lives, and that every
culture and belief creates its own utopia. We have also lyrically thematized that
perhaps all the tragedies created by man are the result of these utopian approaches.
7. I must say, the production on your debut EP is quite solid. What kind of sound were you going for and how do you feel about the final outcome?
Thank you. I would say that the sound we're aiming for is definitely the sound you're hearing right now.
I spent a lot of time recording and mixing for this. As I said in the previous question,
we never wanted a very clean and modern sound, we used a very simple recording setup to reflect
the pessimistic and dark atmosphere of the songs. I can say that it will be like this in the
future or it will stay in this line. We are very happy with the result and I can say that we got the sound we wanted.
8. What are some techniques you haven’t used on your current albums that you would love to experiment with in future releases?
I don't think there is an extraordinary technique in the current songs, maybe as a bass player I can say that basslines are quite technical
for death metal, but this will remain so for the future songs, other than that, I can say, the songs have the technicality that the songs actually need.
we don't have actually a special Technical target for the Future. This is completely related to the songs and the feelings during the writing process of the songs,
so it is not possible for us to predict at the moment... We will see what time will bring.
9. Onur, being the main musician behind the instruments and composition, would it be possible to tell us more about your personal musical background?
I have been playing bass guitar for 25 years and in the past years I played in a Progressive metal band for years,
then I had a Black metal band and for the last 16 years I have been working on my own Death Metal projects.
Christoph Madarasz is accompanying me as a Vocalist in this process. I listen to different music other than Death Metal,
Jazz is a big influence for me and I'm open to all kinds of styles as a listener. I don't look at music from the perspective
of a single genre and I think that's a big advantage.
10. Where is your favorite place to write your songs? And from what symbols, feelings, stories or environments do you get inspiration?
I do not have any special stories and symbols, I think life has given us/me enough stories and feelings.
I wrote and recorded all the songs at home in my small room and on a very old PC,
which was a great freedom for me with such limited means. Even though limited
means and freedom are contradictory or sound very contradictory to each other,
they are actually very inspiring. I can say that the limitations of physical means gave me a great spiritual freedom.
11. Could you explain the meaning and significance behind the EP artwork, and tell us how the conceptualization of the album artwork come about?
I can explane it in two ways. The first is the meaning of the name of the group:
A utopia in which a single truth (sitting Figure) dominates the whole world or a mass of people with a single absolute truth
and a utopia centred around it. The other meaning is that I alone came up with the idea of the band and composed the songs in a one man band composition, which means that Axiom Utopia is formed by the Laser coming out of the
head of a single being on the cover. The painter Vladimir Chebakov really expressed it very well in his drawing.
12. Germany has long been known for its power/traditional metal scene. Do you feel that there’s been a shift where more extreme metal is now being recognized?
Of course there are really too many classic and traditional heavy metal bands but in the 90s there were also great death metal bands like Morgoth, Atrocity
and too many unknown underground bands. It changes in time, because the music also has some trend phase for year to year.
The festivals bring espspecially big movement to the scene.
13. On an international level, how has your music been received? Do you try to promote your music on a large scale?
Yes, we are trying to promote, but first we are looking for a label that would officially release our first mini album,
besides we have a bandcamp page where everyone can visit and listen to the songs for free.
14. Have you ever considered enlisting members to handle the various instruments in order to perform live, and if not, why not?
Of course we are already working on it.
And we have a guitarist now. His name is Ekin, very cool guy and we are rehearsing with him at the moment to play live shows
How is the mood in Germany these days concerning cooperation between musicians and the relationship between musicians and audience?
Its very good so far, all the local bands get support from each other,
some newcomer bands and new musicians get support from local old bands too,
I think its pretty cool.Internet connected to the metalheads and musicians easily,
compared to the past years without internet, I think its a very big advantage no matter where you live.
16. Finally, is there anything else you would like to share with your fans and the readers of this interview?
I would like to thank you and your team. Visit our bandcamp, listen to our music, support us and just keep supporting the fucking underground scene.