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Interview to DELAYED EJACULATION (Poland)


1. Hello dear friends, pleasure to have you on Rotten Pages ´zine. How are you doing today? Let us set the scene first. Where do we find you right now? Please describe your surroundings.

Ad. 1 Hello South America ! Delayed Ejaculation here ! Greetings from Poland, thanks for inviting us for this shit :) For this particular moment, we're sitting in our rehearsal room, drinkin' beer :)

2..The band is existing since 2018, overall what has has been the greatest challenge the band has faced up until today?

Ad.2 Surviving the fucking COVID :). We think that was the hardest challenge, later it was a matter of getting eveyrthing to work with new band members. As of today everything is good and keeps getting better.

3. Are you and the rest of the band friends and how do you all get along with one another?

Ad.3 After kicking out our last guitar player, yes, we think of eachother as really good friends, we like our company, we get along really well, working in a band together is amazing, we just like spending time with eachother, but everyone has a life of their own ofcourse :) .

4. What are the important components of Delayed Ejaculation’s music and lyrics?

Ad.4 It's just gore-grind : ) just good music with touching lyrics about life and stuff u know : ), we aim to play songs that we would like to see live, some old school stuff u know, no “smoothed” shit or any of that kind, just some dirty fuckers playing dirty music.

5. “Semen Stuffed Human Brain Souffle” is the title of your debut album. What were the goals you had in mind when you started to record it, any elements you definitely wanted to have on the album?

Ad.5 We really wanted to bring back the old sound of the extreme 90's and we think we did a pretty good job with it, ofcourse not everything went perfect, there are some things that we would change but its the case with all musicians after a realese right? : )

6. In which studio did you record it? And who took care of the mixing and mastering?

Ad.6 We recorded everything in our reherseal room, mixing and mastering has been done by us aswell, precisely by our ex ex guitar player, Badger. We think that it came out really well considering the fact that it's 100% DIY! We are really proud of it.

7. What would you say is a great album cover? What does it have to contain for it to be great?

Ad.7 We dont really look at it to be honest with you, doesnt matter what is on the cover, what matters is the music recorded on it.

8. How did you catch the attention of the Czech Bizarre Leprous Production label and are you happy with them?

Ad.8 We were going to quite a lot of fesitvals in Cech republic, we met a lot of cool people, friends from the extreme scene. After a concert in Ostrava in 2023, we got an offer that Bizarre should help us with an album, we texted Roman, got along and there you have it, album realesed. The teamwork was on really high standards, we are really pleased.

9. How do you create the new songs? Is it predetermined process, or do you leave substantial space for improvisations?

Ad.9 Improvisation is key when it comes to writing new songs, some throws a key word, a riff, drum beat then vocals come in as last. And thats pretty much how it looks like, sometimes we can even make 6 new songs in the span of 50 minutes : ). We managed that once making new songs for a split with Anus Magulo and Hoggod, other polish extreme bands, we highly recommend to check them out : )!!

10. While the first album saw the light of day in 2023, not much happened after that. Why? What kept you from releasing more material?

Ad.10 We really focused on playing live a lot like at Obscene Extreme in 2023, changes in members of the band, also for a couple of months we had a shitty guitarist that couldn't get along with what we had in mind whet in came to new songs or ideas, now we have the right person on the guitar and we are ready to start fresh and strong : ).

11. What kind of music you listen to when you’re not in a creative mood. What can get you started?

Ad.11 All of us listen to all kinds of music, we often combine what we know from other genres and ideas fly in just like that, we get a lot of inspiration from just listening and talking about music.

12. Could you give us a little insight into the scene in Pomerania? Are there many bands that play grindcore? And how are gig-possibilities et cetera?

Ad.12 There is not much bands in Pomerania that makes grinde core or something else similar, just a few bands without counting us, when it comes to gigs, we have some places that we are familiar with and they are familiar with us that we can really organise some good underground gigs. Poland is a lot more popular with bands plaing death,black or thrash metal, not a lot of people here lsiten to and go to grind concerts unlike Czechia like we mentioned earlier.

13. Please tell us what are the bands to keep an eye on in the Polish underground at the moment. Do you feel a strong connection between the ug bands in Poland, or is it more like everybody following its own way?

Ad.13 As of right now there is some underground bands and some still active legends like Squash Bowels or Antigama. We really recommend Anus Magulo, Hoggod, Carnis, Romantyczny Wieczór, Berlin Monroe, Smoła, Anal Tonda, Final Six and there is much more to talk about, with most of the bands we know eachother really well, we play with eachother pretty regurarly, with other bands not so much : )

14. If DELAYED EJACULATION was an odour, what the fuck could it be?

Ad. 14 Mayby stench of " Semen Stuffed Human Brain Souffle" will be proper

15. We live in a globalized world where there are no borders to be crossed thanks to the internet. How do you best utilize this to gain the outmost for you band?

Ad. 15 We do things the same as others, I think, Promoting looks mostly the same with almsot every band i think, we use facebook, instagram we talk about it with our friends so they can tell other people about us, although nobody listens to this shit (i don't blame them) so promoting makes no sense *wink wink*.

16. What’s your view on the value of music today? In what way does the abundance of music change our perception of it?

Ad. 16. Umm, music good, more music better, a lot music the best, anyway lets drink some beer.

(sorry this question is too philosophical, we are not smart enough to answer it properly, pls remember we write songs about shiet and fucking corpses :) )

17. Thank you for taking the time to speak to Rotten Pages. Do you have any final words, or anything you would like to add?

Ad. We really appreciate that you chose us (some drunks from Poland) to participate in this shit (good shit ofc) it was a pleasure (literally because we were jerking off while replying to you) (im also jerking it right now, HARD) to answer all of your questions, greetings to you, all of your friends and metal listeners out there, keep grinding, beating up nazis and commies, cheers! (we are drinking right now)

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