1. Hello my friend, pleasure to have you on Rotten Pages ´zine. How are you doing today? Let us set the scene first. Where do we find you right now? Please describe your surroundings.
Im currently stting at my "homestudio", that is 1,5x1,5m corner in our living room that has all my recording-setup ready-to-play when needed. Its still fucking cold outside.
2. We’ve got to start with that great name. What led to your naming the band Ghosts From The Past? What was the idea behind it?
I had many names in mind when it was decided. Original idea of name "GFTP" was that cause all members liked more older metal (from 80s specially) than newer stuff... name was suppose to tell that we are bringing that stuff we like to alive in our own music.
3. As much as I know, band started in 2021. What has has been the greatest challenge the band has faced up until today?
Actually original line-up had few gigs in 2020. But then we re-branded ourselves with new singer and released first cover-video of Ace of Spades in youtube. Biggest challenge was and is still that since all have families and day-jobs, we have hard time finding time to rehearsal together (ofc other band-projects also take some time from this band).
4. To become a musician in Finland where almost everybody plays some musical instrument and has three bands at least – it’s a challenge, or is it something you Finns are predisposed to at birth?
Yeah you have two options: become metal-musician or rally-driver. I would say, that biggest challenge here to all bands with few listeners is to find places to gig (with some payment). Specially in smaller towns.
5. I would like to ask, what are the important components of GFTP’s music and lyrics?
In this current phase, we are still testing all kind of different styles in songs. Stuff I write are usually little more story-based stuff, like telling lot of stuff from some subject and creating nice melodies/riffs there. But for now we are still searching our own style and every released single is pretty different.
6. Is it important for you if listeners understand you or do not? I mean… a message of Ghosts From The Past — do you have a concrete one or do you see it as a universal language that is open to interpretations?
Everybody can think and explore in their own way. Every listener can listen our songs and go to same dimension where songwriter were. Or create completely different environment in head. Theres isnt really any special message in our songs.

7. How do you find your sound? Do you take a whole bunch of influences and mix them together to make it your brew?
We have pretty nice palette right now. We all have different kind of influences that creates great own songs. For example I listen more traditional stuff like from NWOBHM and bassist is into much heavier stuff.
8. I am currently listening to your different singles. How do you create the new songs? Is it predetermined process, or do you leave substantial space for improvisations?
Usual workflow on these goes so that firstly someone records demo at home and then its taken to rehearsal space to brew into gftp-song.
Since I have writed most of our stuff and probably will, in my case. When I start writing song I usually have idea of chorus or cool intro in mind that I use base to write rest of song.
Of course since my guitar-skills arent so great (im drummer), demos always get much better after guitarists write their own versions of my riffs and melodies.
After rehearsal-phase is complete, everyone records their own parts at home. Vocals are recorded in studio where mixing/mastering is also made.
9. Describe us, if possible, your typical procedure when writing songs: What comes first, really? Music or lyrics?
I want to tell story and create certain atmosphere with lyrics. Usually theres some lines in my mind when I start thinking riffs or melodies to new song. Of course music is very important too.
10. Where is your favorite place to write your songs? And from what symbols, feelings, stories or environments do you get inspiration?
I usually write and record at night when everyone else is sleeping since then theres peace in mind and house.
11. What is music for you? Does it bring you some new emotions or it helps you to get ride of some negative emotions?
Music is stress-reliever.
12. How important is live performance for GFTP? Do you play often? If so how does your show looks like? Do you focus also on aesthetic side of gig?
We havent been very active in that area lately. Its pretty common metal-gig, 5 dudes dressed in black tries to get people mosh and sing along. Stages are currently so small so theres not much space to do anything else than play.
13. How is the mood in Finland these days concerning cooperation between musicians and the relationship between musicians and audience?
Dont know other genres, but theres always good spirit in metal-scene in Finland. For example Rauma where were from, everyone knows each other and helps if needed.
14. Do you feel that you are a part of the local extreme scene or are you more related with bands from other countries?
I wouldnt say that we are so "extreme" but currently there isnt other band that plays same kind of stuff that we in this area. Since we are so mix-up with different genres.
15. How much time do you spend on the band both physically but also mentally each day? Is it worth all the time and effort in the end? What do you want with the band?
Financially playing in band and publishing songs at these levels are pretty "expensive". But its fun and hobby that takes stress away, so its not gonna end. Worth of time? Maybe not but then again its fucking awesome to play in band :D
16. Finland is home to the most recognized bands in extreme metal. What makes the music scene in Finland so different compared to other countries worldwide?
Not sure why is so. Finnish mindset is great for creating and playing extreme metal.
17. Thank you for taking the time to speak to Rotten Pages magazine. Do you have any final words, or anything you would like to add?
Thanks for interview and thanks for taking us in Rotten Pages. We are publishing new single in March 8th, remember to check that out /,,/.
Lazu - GFTP