1. Hello my friend, pleasure to have you on Rotten Pages ´zine. How are you doing today? Let us set the scene first. Where do we find you right now? Please describe your surroundings.
We are good. We are currently sitting inside looking deep into the vast trees from which we’ve come from.
2. Let’s start with the boring basics. Care to explain to the unknowing precisely where in the world you emanate such an aura of evil from?
Our breed of evil originates from a small town of only 1000 inhabitants. Surrounded by deep forest and bog, our village in the hills hides in isolation, shielded by the freezing Atlantic ocean.
3. As an emerging band in the extreme metal scene, what are some challenges you've faced, and how have you overcome them to pave the way for your future?
Due to Newfoundland’s predominantly hardcore scene, it has been difficult to come up as a black metal group. To overcome these challenges we have spread through word of mouth from like minded individuals.
4. As a band from St. Lawrence, how has your local music scene influenced your development and growth as musicians?
We are the local scene of St. Lawrence, we are currently the only active band in our part of the woods, and the first metal band to come from here. The last black metal band that happened within an hour of our town was 20 years ago! So we have set our own path, created our own sound and developed without outside help.
5. Can you name some of the bands who you first really admired and helped shape your future in music?
For local groups, Grole really took the heart of the island into the music and sang with pride to be a true newfoundlander, which was heavily inspiring. Grenadier, who are the biggest extreme metal group to come from the island, have been kind, inspiring, and have helped point us in the right direction.
6. Guntmold draws influences from various extreme metal genres. How do you approach blending black metal with death and thrash elements to create your unique sound?
The raw tone and vicious brutality of black metal sets the centerpiece for our music, all of our songs revolve around the black metal attitude and ideologies.
7. When you sit down together and rehearse, does it go smooth or and you do full songs or do you really have to insist on certain parts all the time?
It goes very smooth, rehearsals are productive while also being a wicked time.

8. Is every member of Guntmold involved in the composition of your album and general artistic choices? Can you tell us a bit more about your own creative process?
Yes. Every member can say what is liked or what isn’t. We each have something to add for the writing and composition of albums and songs.
9. Do you face any problems recording your music or finding studios/rehearsal rooms in your area?
Currently, scheduling is a major issue. We tend to record everything at home, however all members have work or college so it can get quite hard to find recording time.
10. Let´s talk about your latest EP “Blackened Infection”. Are there any kind of particular points of inspiration for these tracks that you would like to discuss?
“Blackened Infection” was heavily inspired by the second wave Norwegian black metal scene, particularly Darkthrone and Carpathian Forest.
11. How has the reception been for your music so far? As a band, what do you hope listeners take away from your music?
We have heard good praise about our music. One of the greatest compliments we have received was that our tape could truly be mistaken for a 90s Norwegian black metal band. We hope listeners take away that they keep hoping for more as they listen.
12. What principles, what attitude to life do you personally represent?
No fucks given. If you dont like us, fuck off.
13. If people from outside Canada would want to travel to a location that has inspired you to write music in your home country, where would they have to go?
They would have to travel through the forest and bog of rural Newfoundland, to take in the sights and smells to truly understand the shivering coldness of our music.
14. Thank you for taking the time to speak to Rotten Pages. Do you have any final words, or anything you would like to add?
Keep an ear out, something big is coming.