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Interview to HEAD STABBER (United States)


1. Hey Ralph, pleasure to have you on Rotten Pages ´zine. How are you doing today? Let us set the scene first. Where do we find you right now? Please describe your surroundings.

Thanks for having me I'm doing great! Well, I reside in Washington State so I’m just out here in this blissful thing called nature!

2. Being from Washington, United States, how has your geographical location influenced your music and overall artistic direction as a band?

Sometimes I take nature as a part of my inspiration. Nature can be very nourishing and beautiful but in reality, it can be as dark as what we write about for this type of brutal music. Half the time its overall about the storytelling aspect of what could possibly happen in real life.

3. You named yourself as a “Death metal Addict”, can you name some of the bands who you first really admired and helped shape your future in music?

Well, I could go on about all of my favorite death metal bands but my true admirations and influences that I’d say right now are Gorguts especially Luc Lemay, Eternal Suffering from Massachusetts and just the whole late 90’s/early 2000’s brutal death metal scene.

4. As the sole member of Head Stabber, how do you handle the songwriting and recording aspects? What challenges and advantages do you experience as a one-man band?

As a one-man band project, I’m just trying to dip my toe into the music making aspect of metal and seeing what truly fits for me. I've been a huge metal fan since I was born basically and have been writing guitar riffs ever since I started playing. I was never able to find other band members that could of or even wanted to play brutal music. But the advantages of it all is that I get to change things up however I want and try as many new things just to see if I like it.

5. Your debut demo include 2 songs. Are there any kind of particular points of inspiration for these two tracks that you would like to discuss?

The first track “10 Dead with Missing Heads”, is kind of inspired by Sanguisugabogg type grooves while keeping a realistic serial killer lyrical theme. Track two “Separation of The Flesh” is more in the same vein as Mortician’s style and lyrical content which the song is written about being ripped apart by the undead.

6. How do you record your music? Garage band? Are you self taught or do you have a friend that helps out with the mixes etc?

Yes, I use Garage Band and do all of my own mixes for my music. I record guitars, vocals, and use the built-in drum machine but I rarely do the bass because of equipment reasons. All though, the options are VERY limited in Garage band, I try to mix the music the best I can for optimal listening.

7. What is your creative routine? Is there some piece of gear you wouldn’t be able to work without?

I would not be able to birth a lot of my ideas without my throat slashing Schecter Guitar and my skull stomping Line 6 Spider IV 15 Amp

8. Are there any plans for collaboration with other artists or musicians in the future, and if so, what excites you about the potential of those collaborations?

As of right now, I have a split EP/Demo I'm working on with another one-man project by the name of Emaciated Amalgamation. I’m pretty excited for this release as there is a new Head Stabber song that will be featured on the split and includes a BRUTAL album cover!

9. With many bands on the horizon whether it brutal death or any form of genres the underground scene for music has been consistent and getting better overtime. Do you think the community is healthier than it ever has been before, if so what’s your intake on that?

I personally think that the underground today can come with its strengths and weaknesses as for any point in time for any scene in media. Obviously the 90’s was the decade of pure brutality because it was somewhat new at the time, but I think bands today such as Regurgitated Entrails, Stabbing, Putrid Stu and MANY more are keeping this primitive but very expressive music scene alive!

10. What can we expect from your upcoming release? Are there any particular themes or influences that you're exploring?

Well, I don't want to give too much away but I'll say this, pure murderous grind will be coming to you all!

11. The death metal genre has been quite solid and consistent since the last three decades. How do you see the future of the genre going in the future?

I think if new bands like myself keep trying new ideas but keep the roots of what was once before us, I think the death metal scene and metal as a whole will live past the end of humanity!

12. What have you been listening to lately? Any new and upcoming bands that might have caught your attention?

I've been listening to a lot of Brutal Death and Grindcore so as iv right now I've been listening to more Eternal Suffering, Scattered Remnants, Brutal Truth, Human Remains, Embalmer just to name a few.

13. It's time to conclude, perhaps you could tell us about your future projects or something?

Make sure to check out Head Stabber Demo 2024 and be on the lookout for the new split EP which can all be found through YouTube and Band Camp. Thank you so much Rotten Pages Zine for having me, GRIND YOUR HEADS OFF!!!

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