1. Hey my friend, pleasure to have you on Rotten Pages ´zine. How are you doing today? Let us set the scene first. Where do we find you right now? Please describe your surroundings.
In Longueuil, on the south shore of Montreal, Quebec. Less noisy than the city for sure but still a bit too much urbanised and populated to my liking. Middle of autum so getting colder, which is always nice.
2. Let’s start with the boring basics. Care to explain to the unknowing precisely where in the world you emanate such an aura of evil from?
My project is pretty much based on raw human feelings. My first album, "S'il existe ton paradis" for exemple, was composed and recorded in a single week following the passing of a very close person. So all the rage and melancholy is poured in each scream, yell and notes.
Next album I'm working on, which is gonna be released under the name "Lune Incarnate", is still using raw feelings such as rage, despair and sadness, yet working on them by the means of spirituality and individuality. Being your own master. Your own god.
3. For those new to Lune Incarnate just explain the format of the band. Is it still essentially a solo project, Nightwalker?
It's a solo project, I compose everything, play everything and record everything by myself in my little appartement. Same goes for the visuals and logos.
4. Did the black metal come with time as a natural choice for expression of your ideas or you were straight forward right from the start and decisive that you want to play black metal definitely?
I always liked a multitude of genres, from 80s goth to trash metal, doom, darkwave, dungeon synth.etc
I tried my hand at multiple genres and had other projects, but black metal and dungeon synth is where it feels the more natural to me to express what i need to express.
5. Your compositions evoke a wide range of emotions, from rage to haunting melancholy. What drives you to explore such diverse emotional landscapes in your music, and how do you achieve that balance within your compositions?
Mental instability for sure helps. Jokes aside, i'd say mostly day to day situations, human interactions and personal issues inspire my work a lot.
To answer the second part of your question with honesty, i have no idea how i do it hahaha. I learned music by ear by myself and my way of work is if it works if works if it does'nt it goes in the trash. I experiment until i find the best sounds and best mix of sounds for what the song is supposed to be and we go with that.

6. As the sole member behind Blodmoon, how do you manage the creative process of writing and composing music, lyrics, and playing multiple instruments?
I go step by step, one instrument at a time. I pretty much compose and record at the same time, which is a bit chaotic cuz well, i dont read or write tabs, so if i forget how to play a riff, i have to relisten to it to relearn it haha. But in the end i don't play shows so its fine. Lyrics mostly comes at the end of the composing, then vocals. I'd say its not "easy" , but id rather be alone and go at my own pace
7. Have you ever considered enlisting members to handle the various instruments in order to perform live, and if not, why not?
Yes, but knowing myself and how intense and over the place i can be creative wise, I honnestly don't know if it'll ever happen, anyways not for "Lune Incarnate" as it will now be called.
8. Your latest studio offering “Demo - Volume 1” was released this past July and is your second record. Would you say this Demo is a evolution compared to previous EP “Le silence, le néant”? How the songwriting process all started?
I'd say my demo compilation is deffinetely an evolution compared to "S'il existe ton paradis" (sorry to correct you, "Le Silence, le Néant" was a single)
"Demo - volume 1" was a mix of multiple demos i had laying arround. Oriented dsbm, blackened doom and ambient black, it was pretty much born of experiments I did after listening "en boucle" to Metal Noir Québecois bands like Gris, Délétère, Miserere Luminis, Cantique Lepreux and Givre.
9. The lyrics of are in the French language. This makes it difficult for people who do not speak the language to understand what they are about. Was that done deliberately and are you also trying to add some extra mystique?
The choice of writing in french, contrary to my other project "Illithocyte" was purely born out of tradition. In Quebec, if i can explain simply, we have a duty to protect the french language for we are the only french speaking province in Canada. Also, french is a beautiful language.
10. As an artist, how do you explore the balance between crafting immersive stories through your lyrics while also delivering impactful, heavy music?
It all comes back to raw human feelings and also what the overall composition calls for. Depending on what the riff, the drum or the ambience asks, ill answer it with whatever comes out of the quill.
11. Since music is universal and brings so much to the table, what is your philosophy and intake about what music means to you?
Everything. Its a religion and we are all invited at it's church. The simplest of sound can be music to one's ear. I live and breathe music. But in my case the more distorted, dissonant and meaningful the better it is.
12. There has been a real boom in the Black Metal scene in Canada and there are currently more bands than ever before. How do you see the domestic scene compared to the international scene?
I don't know much bands outside of the quebec scene to be fair, except maybe Gevurah, but I'm definitely in love with our local scene here in Quebec. Most bands here helped me shape my sound with their discographies.
Forteresse, Gris, Sombre Forêt, Ossements, Orphique, Ossuaire, Délétère and even non black metal bands like Violett Pi (more so Electro/Alt Rock) are big inspirations to me.
If i were to compare the local scene to the international scene, id say the quebec bands tend to have a more epic and martial sound. "Thèmes Pour La Rebellion" by Forteresse is a good exemple of what i mean by that.
13. Thank you! I want to give you the final word. Is there anything you want to share with our readers?
Working on a new album at the moment, so stay tuned for that. Also you can find Blodmoon (eventually Lune Incarnate) on Bandcamp, Facebook, Instagram and Youtube and in terms of merch, everything is up on Melogy Musicraft's website. i'm also part of a collective called Scarlet Kross, founded by Malgeist of Hérétique du Nord. An Hérétique du Nord album called "Les Transmissions Noires" is coming out on the 21st of December with many guests such as members of Orphique, Spiritvs of Ossements and Myself.