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Interview to MASTERY OF BLASPHEMY (Germany)


1. Hello my friend, pleasure to have you on Rotten Pages ´zine. How are you doing today? Let us set the scene first. Where do we find you right now? Please describe your surroundings.


It is a pleasure for us to be here. We are motivated as always. Mastery of balsphemy is a 2 man black metal project from the south of Germany. You will find us at the Lake Konstanz, close to Switzerland. From this idyllic showcase region, we spread our grueling music!

2. Being from southern Germany, how has your geographical location influenced your music and overall artistic direction as a band?

We don't think that the south of Germany has particularly influenced us. There isn't much black metal in our region. Other parts of Germany have more to offer. And that's exactly why we want to be from here! As one of the few representatives of this art from Lake Konstanz. Unique and indestructible! Here at the lake you will find a lot of fog that lingers in the hilly regions. Moist land, lush forests and some castle ruins contribute a lot to the dark atmosphere.

3. Mastery Of Blasphemy is a duo — how long have you known each other? And how did you discover black metal for the first time?

When we met years ago, each us us had their own projects. But we knew right away that we were on the same level. It took a few years and attempts for Mastery of blasphemy to get formed. And we're not done yet! For me, Atrox, it all started with mayhem - freezing moon. I had never seen anything comparable, darker and more visually meaningful before.

Apostat started in black metal with Satyricon and Nagaroth. We knew we had to know more about this world.

4. I would like to know how have you developed and growth as musicians? And which other bands you play in before Mastery Of Blasphemy´s foundation?

For me, Atrox, it all started when I was at school. Here I played in a thrash metal band with some friends and we had a few local gigs. Later there were a few smaller black metal projects with different people, but they all came to nothing.

Apostat has always been a speaker and mouthpiece. That's why it's easy for him to express his hatred through the microphone.

5. Tell me a bit more about the ambiance, the mood, the recording condition of your debut album “Bloodred Realm”? How long did it take you all to create the entire album from start to finish?

While other bands in our environment broke up due to Corona, we used the pandemic to form and create ourselves. The threatening apocalyptic basic attitude of the world was inspiration and motivation to push our thoughts forward. During the recording process with our quality standards, everything was new for us. From mixing to mastering. Although we had already recorded beforehand. But not on this level. It took a lot of time and effort. Some of our songs are old. I wrote them years ago. They show how I saw black metal back then and what influenced me back then. Other songs were written during recording of the album, but they have the same atmosphere. A dark, powerful force that can destroy and also drive. We leave no room for compromises!

6. Did you have a ‘mission’ and goal ready when you first started out, or did the music and direction first take shape as you crafted songs and so forth?

We started the album with little resources. Over time, our demands have increased more and more. It should no longer be only dirty black metal from the basement like it was at the beginning. We wanted to create something that would slap people in the face. And the imprint should be visible for a long time. What started as just a few songs became many more over time. So we brought everthing up to the same level lyrically. Like most albums, it wasn't planned that way from the start. But we are proud and satisfied with the beast it has become.

7. What are the most challenging aspects when writing a song and how do you go about the approach?

The hardest part about writing songs is itself. To finish what you started. There are people who wait until eternity for leisure and there are people who just do it. We want to belong to second. We do it! Whether the world wants to hear it or not!

8. With nine distinctive tracks on the album, how do you ensure that each song stands out individually while also contributing to the overall flow and cohesiveness of the record?

There are many music genres with different characteristics from which we draw inspiration. So we try to get a breath of fresh air into the songs. But we never forget that its still black metal. And that's how the tracks should sound. Rough, brutal black metal with a little excursion into other areas.

9. The lyrics seems quite important for the band and your expression, how do you look upon the importance of the lyrics?

The lyrics carry our message. They support the power of the riffing. Together they form a sea of ​​flames. We stand for self-fulfillment through Satanism. For self-discovery through blasphemy. For self-recreation through madness. For freedom through satan. Our lyrics destroy the existing world order and put ours in its place.

10. Could you explain the meaning and significance behind the album artwork, and tell us how the conceptualization of the album artwork come about?

The artwork is by "dark.visage". We were immediately convinced that it reflected the basic idea and atmosphere of our music. The red hue fits thematically with the record title and the rugged desolation of the fragile surroundings shows the world after the energy of our songs has left devastation behind.

11. The cassette and CD version of the album has been released by Kvlt und Kaos Productions. What drew you to collaborate with this Austrian label, and what are your thoughts on the resurgence of cassette tapes as a physical format for music?

We have contacted a few labels about our first release. We chose kvlt and kaos productions because the label put a lot of effort into us. A short time later the label contract was on the table. The production of the tapes is very important to Kvlt and Kaos Productions. They are well received by loyal customers and the general public in the underground. The tapes are made from homemade paper boxes. They underline the simply knit underground black metal in its origins.

12. Are there any plans for collaboration with other artists or musicians in the future, and if so, what excites you about the potential of those collaborations?

We are interested in working with other bands and recording splits. Material and capacity are available. Time will tell what develops in this direction. Contacts in the scene and inspiration from other artists are essential.

13. Everyone has their own ideas on what black metal means so I was interested in your opinion what does black metal stand for?

Black metal stands for self-determination. Satanism is the core of self-determination and the tool to forge it. And only through force does energy arise. That's why black metal is as hard and rough as it is.

14. Does black metal need the aggressive imagery to get their points of view across? And is black metal of way of life or just a very energetic outlet for stress and such?

Black metal has to be dark and hard. The appearance must be disgusting and strong. This contains the magic and let the scene stand out.

Black metal is not for everyone. The scene is rough. And that's what it should be. A small circle of chosen ones who move outside of the large masses. Those who appreciate the effort and the atmosphere.

It's a lifestyle. Which is why these people come together.

15. Have you ever considered enlisting members to handle the various instruments in order to perform live, and if not, why not?

We will take care of live gigs in the foreseeable future.

It takes a lot of energy and time to find the right musicians that can deal with our beast.

16. Germany had/has a lot of great BM bands, but it seems that they never were able to become very popular outside Germany. Why is this so in your opinion?

Some bands have become well known. But the scene is still very much dominated by Scandinavia. Maybe that's because of the German lyrics. As a German, I don't like German lyrics. On the other hand, we have a serious problem here with right-wing extremist accusations. Whether these are justified or not is a matter of debate. This has to do with German history and definitely slows down the growth of some bands enormously. It's hard to say what it really is.

17. What’s your opinion about underground and black metal, underground or not, these days? In which aspects the scene got better and in which aspects did it get worse?

The underground is essential for black metal. This is where the roots, the mystique and the strength lies. I prefer any underground concert to a huge event. I feel at home here. Success also includes wanting to get out of here. But it should always be clear where you come from.

18. How well are you doing in the rest of the World? What kind of reactions have you had from Asia, America... for example?

Most of the clicks came from Europe. But some also from many different other parts of the world. We also want to open new doors with this interview, to contaminate more countries with the poisonous breath of our beast!

19. It's time to conclude, perhaps you could tell us about your future projects or something?

Our journey has just begun. We want nothing less than world domination! Our 2nd album is in full swing and will be even more devastating than the previous one! You can be excited. You'll be hearing a lot more from us!

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