1. Hello my friend, pleasure to have you on Rotten Pages ´zine. How are you doing today? Let us set the scene first. Where do we find you right now? Please describe your surroundings.
Thank you for having us! Right now, I'm sitting in our rehearsal space, surrounded by amps, drums, and a clutter of musical equipment. It's a bit dimly lit, with posters adorning the walls, creating an atmosphere of creativity and inspiration.
2. What's driving force behind SCARS OF VIOLENCE and your most important influence while creating music?
The driving force behind Scars of Violence is our collective passion for expressing ourselves through music, particularly within the death metal genre. We draw influence from various sources, ranging from classic death metal bands to other genres like black metal and even pop music.
3. Are you and the rest of the band friends and how do you all get along with one another? How difficult is it being in the band and having a life outside the band?
Yes, we're all friends, and that camaraderie definitely helps us navigate the challenges of being in a band while balancing other aspects of our lives. It can be difficult at times, but our shared love for music and mutual respect keep us together.
4. Your debut album, “Beyond Life” delivered a powerful, massive, and melodic sound. Can you tell us about the inspiration behind the album and how it felt to release your music to the world?
"Beyond Life" was inspired by the struggles and triumphs of life itself. The album explores themes of mortality, existentialism, and the human experience. Releasing our music to the world was both exhilarating and nerve-wracking; it felt like sharing a piece of our souls with the world.
5. How do you manage to incorporate melodic elements into your music while maintaining the aggression and brutality of death metal?
Incorporating melodic elements into our music while maintaining aggression and brutality requires careful balance and experimentation. We often explore different chord progressions, harmonies, and arrangements to find the right blend of melody and aggression.
6. What are some topics discussed in “Beyond Life” and why did you select this title for your album?
"Beyond Life" explores themes such as the fragility of existence, the passage of time, and the search for meaning in a chaotic world. The title reflects our belief that there's more to life than meets the eye, and that music can serve as a gateway to exploring these deeper existential questions.

7. With so many death metal bands coming up these days, how do you manage to keep your material relevant? How challenging is it to come up with newer material? What is the thought process when writing new Scars Of Violence songs?
Staying relevant in the death metal scene requires staying true to our sound while also pushing boundaries and evolving as artists. We constantly challenge ourselves to explore new ideas and experiment with different musical elements. The thought process behind writing new songs often involves drawing from personal experiences, emotions, and observations of the world around us.
8. You’ve chosen to self-release your material. Have you considered shopping the material around for additional distribution or are you happy doing everything independently for the moment?
While self-releasing our material has its challenges, it also gives us a sense of creative control and independence. We haven't ruled out the possibility of seeking additional distribution in the future, but for now, we're content with doing everything independently.
9. What are your views on the German/European death metal scene these days? Any particular alliances of Scars Of Violence?
The German/European death metal scene is thriving, with a diverse array of bands pushing the boundaries of the genre. We're proud to be a part of this vibrant community and have formed alliances with like-minded bands who share our passion for music.
10. Over the years you’ve played with a lot of different bands. What are some of the gigs that stand out the most to you?
Some of the gigs that stand out the most to us are the ones where we had the opportunity to connect with our fans on a deeper level and share unforgettable experiences. Whether it's playing in small, intimate venues or larger festivals, each show holds a special place in our hearts.
11. What are the basic criteria by which you choose the places where you would like to play live? Is it about lineup in the case of festivals, the nature of the action, or even approach of the organizers?
When choosing places to play live, we consider factors such as the lineup, the venue's atmosphere, and the professionalism of the organizers. We aim to play at venues and festivals where we can reach new audiences and deliver memorable performances.
12. Have you ever had any weird incidents while traveling for concerts that you would like to share?
While traveling for concerts, we've encountered our fair share of weird incidents, from getting lost in unfamiliar cities to encountering eccentric characters along the way. Despite the occasional mishaps, these experiences only add to the adventure of being on the road.
13. What do you do other than the band, for fun/work and do you like being in Germany?
Outside of the band, we enjoy spending time with friends and family, exploring new music, and indulging in hobbies like photography and hiking. Our guitarist Milan is a bonsai artist and builds guitars. You can check them out on Instagram at @mkcustom_guitars. Germany offers a rich cultural landscape and vibrant music scene, making it an exciting place to live and create music.
14. Death Metal has come a long way today. Are you keeping track of the new bands in the DM scene? What do you think of the various sub-genres that are mushrooming each day?
We definitely keep track of new bands in the death metal scene and enjoy discovering emerging talent. The proliferation of sub-genres within death metal reflects the genre's diversity and innovation, and we're excited to see where the genre goes next.
15. Promotion has become vital in these times. With hundreds of bands releasing albums in the same time period, it’s become a struggle to get noticed. How do you see the future of promotion and recording?
Promotion and recording are indeed crucial in today's music industry, and we recognize the importance of staying visible and relevant amidst a sea of competing artists. Moving forward, we plan to continue refining our promotional strategies and exploring new avenues for reaching our audience.
16. I want to thank you, sincerely, for your time. Before we end our conversation, is there anything else in particular you’d like to share?
Thank you for the opportunity to share our thoughts and experiences. We're grateful for the support of our fans and the opportunity to create music that resonates with others. Keep supporting underground music and stay metal!