1. Hello Belphezar, in general, what fascinates you about metal music? And how so you decided to start your own musical project?
I find the intensity of the music and the dark aesthetic and themes such an experience that no other genre of music can match. The harsh but yet beautiful guitar melodies and powerful vocals that can be found in black metal and death metal, To me are some of the greatest musical art pieces I have listened to. I have always dabbled in music throughout the years and studied for some time musical tech at college. At that time I desired to one day become a composer for small games projects and movies, But never really pursuing it. After a few years not really doing much of anything musical I decided to try something new and learn to play some guitar, and some months later I started slowly working on some songs for valhexen.
2. What are you influenced by as far as non-metal music goes?
I would say themes and music from videogames has always been my biggest influence.

3. Being the sole musician behind the band as well, would it be possible to tell us more about your personal musical background?
Well I am not a professional, its only a few years since Ive been practicing guitar, and I would still claim to be still quite a novice when it comes to being a musician. I did study at college, mostly some basics with working with DAWS, and more on the technical applications. I was always more interested to just compose music, not particularly the technical side, but it was definitely useful knowledge.
4. I’m a huge enthusiast of atmospheric black metal and your debut album is awesome. How happy are you with the final result?
It was actually quite enjoyable, it has been the first music project that i've released in any official way, and I am glad for sure that people have enjoyed my work. It was also great to keep me accountable to improve my guitar playing and be able to play the music and riffs that I wanted to create.
5. Overall, how did you work over this album? What did you plan to put into it?
well from the start I knew the sort off sounds and atmosphere that I wanted to build, being that most musical projects I do ususally are quite symphonic and I enjoy the depth that it can create. And of course I was also experimenting a lot and just having fun with it, so it was just playing riffs, seeing what I liked or didn't and adding the strings.
6. Your 12th track on the album is entitled “Covid 19”. How did the pandemic had impact on the making of the album and your life in general?
Well like most people it was quite a shock at the begining, no one knew what was going to be the course of their future and society took a drastic change. but to make a long story short, It was one of the biggest moments where I saw how life can really change overnight, and that you have to be mindful of what you're willing to scarifice for safety and comfort, and the consequences it has on being a true human being.
7. What is the feedback for ‘Blasphemous Intent’ so far? Are the reactions from the fans similar to the ones from the press?
Well I am still a small independant musician, so I was never expecting and major recourse. But I am happy that people have reached out to me telling me kind things about the album, and that they really enjoyed it. That really does mean a lot to me, and for sure I want to create something as good in the future.

8. How do you record your music? A pro tools set up? Are you self taught or do you have a friend that helps out with the mixes etc?
Actually for this I used bandlab, It's a cloud platform where musicians can upload their music. It is quite basic, but its also free and useful for musicians starting off. With mixing it was all trial and error, I again am not a master, so I just tried to create a sound that is decent enough and within my capability as I do everything on my own and the help of some youtube videos.
9. When Valhexen creates their music, what is the most important element: deep and mysterious lyrics or the band’s atmospheric sound?
Well I didnt create many tracks with lyrics, but I wanted to express a certain feeling by just the music itself, the art and the names of the tracks. I think its personal what matters more, but for me it is just the overall emotion of the song and if it is enjoyable to listen to.
10. What are the most challenging aspects when writing a song and how do you go about the approach?
The most challenging is time and also procrastination, As much as I do enjoy creating music, being able to manage the time to do that among a lot of other things can be quite hard, and being that my work also demands a lot of my time it can be quite difficult at to find time to really sit down and start or even finish a project.
11. Are there particular songs that you feel best define the Valhexen sound or perhaps ones you find most notable for whatever reason?
I would say the style of valhexen is also quite experimental at these early stages, but for me I would say bloodlet throne was my absolute favourite, and a close second would be I am he, Mephistopheles. I think I had a lot of fun creating the riffs in these songs and the overall atmosphere of the music really hit well.
12. Could you give us a little insight into the metal-scene in London? Are there many bands that play metal, and especially black metal? And how are gig-possibilities et cetera?
Well honestly I am not someone who goes to live shows very often, but I do try to catch some bands throughout the year at least or visit some metal festivals. But definitely there is a big metal culture in london, places like camden which has always been a home for alternative subcultures still holds a lot of metal shows which I do go when I can. I do know or at least have met some members from bands who have had live shows, and have met quite a few musicians around london, but as for playing live or how do people do it, I have not yet walked those waters.
13. What does the future hold for Valhexen? Is it in your plans to release any new material?
I do plan on creating some new projects in the future, but as for when, I cannot answer, but hopefully some time in the next year or so.
14. Thank you! I want to give you the final word. Is there anything you want to share with our readers?
I want to thank anyone who has reached out to me with kind words and supported the album, a lot of that is what keeps me inspired to create more.