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Interview VILLES ARDENTES (France)


1. Greetings Villes Ardentes horde, Would we start with the origin of the band, both in terms of ideologically and musically, your aims in shaping the direction of the band?

Hi ! We started the band during the second lockdown in France. We started it with the idea to create the most violent BM we could. But we didn’t start it with some precise ideology at first : we just wanted to talk about people’s everyday life.

2. Talking about your beginning as musicians, did the black metal come with time as a natural choice for expression of your ideas or you were straight forward right from the start and decisive that you want to play black metal definitely?

All the members have been playing music for years. We think BM is the perfect style for lyrics dealing with historical matters. BM is actually the most expressive genre when it comes to writing lyrics with extreme subjects from History. It’s perfect for that.

3. The bands name translates from French to “Burning Cities”, correct? Is the concept of historically devastated villages an important part of your music?

You are right. It’s a reference to our lyrics and people’s actions during revolutions, what happened in cities for example : most of the time, cities were burnt down during revolutions which, in most cases, started in big cities.

4. The debut album "Années Rouges" is already Out. Were there any songs that didn’t make it onto album or did you use all of the material you wrote?

We used all the material we wrote with some exceptions : when we found some riffs were not good enough, we didn’t use them, because they were not catchy enough. Usually, we come up with some different ideas and let them rest for a while, and when you listen to them again and you realize they are not so good, then you just drop them.

5. What makes the perfect Villes Ardentes song? Is there one on the album in particular that encapsulates this?

In order to write a perfect V.A song, we need to tune down half a step or two steps below regular tuning. Secondly, we use some specific chords to get a devilish sound. For the vocals, on the verses, I tend to write a sentence for a bar. The BM rhythms are mixed with other more heavy riffs to highlight the first one. For example, Terres Rouges or Brigades Rouges. At the end, the songs must sound violent, vicious and straightforward.

6. Tell us about the recording sessions for this album, how did it go? Was it your first time in the studio? How long did it take you to finish everything?

It wasn’t our first time in a studio because we have different side projects or old projects. We are used to recording in a studio. We are a new band, but with old guys ! The guitar and bass parts were recorded at home by Alcinos and Damned and the vocals were recorded in the studio le Douze in our singer’s hometown.

7. Macchabée Artworks, the artist for the album cover, was it an obvious choice for the band? Was they who came up with the whole idea and concept, or was it the result of your joint efforts?

Macchabée Arworks did a wonderful job for the album cover and helped us give the band his artistic expertise. We gave him free rein for the cover and we completely trust him : the whole concept came from Macchabée. Oaan chose some details, the famous monuments, for example.

8. Have you read any reviews regarding the album? Do you care about what critics have to say about your work?

Yes, we read reviews because they can be interesting. We’re a new band so we think it’s important to read review so that we keep our minds open to criticism, as long as it is constructive. We accept to talk and debate.

9. You have your lyrics in French. What are your reasons for choosing to write in this language and not another? Do you feel like it helps to tell the stories in a best ways or is it more about how the words sound?

Yes, it helps us tell stories the way we think is the best and when Oaan started the band, he started to write in French because he was more comfortable with French than with English.

10. Right now you are signed with Heart Of Metal Productions, How is it? Do you have any plans to stay or move on to find something else?

Everything is fine and we thank them, and let’s not forget France, Black, Death, Grind too. You don’t mention them but they support the band 100 per cent.

11. Do you think black metal has a spirit, or a set of values to it? Where do you think these came from? Are there any historical antecedents?

We think black metal has one value: insubordination to any kind of masters and powers. Not in the anarchist sense, but in a nihilistic sense. It makes this music violent. Maybe this spirit came from the 90’s Norwegian BM scene when the struggle against Christianism was intense. And now, this state of mind, I think, can be extended to every kind of oppression. We can use this spirit in a different way now.

12. From the start, the French metal scene has been a special one, with many very important and unique bands. As for last decade or so, many great bands in various genres in extreme metal stood up. How do you see Villes Ardentes in this landscape?

We hope and we want to see Villes Ardentes as a well-established band of the BM underground French scene. That would be great.

13. What is your opinion about the French black metal scene in general?

In general, It’s great and alive with some active record labels and a lot of great bands.

14. With what you cannot make compromise – in your music and in your life?

We will never make compromise in our life when it comes to music ! Each of us !

15. How do you feel about different musical formats (vinyl, cassette, digital etc) both for appreciating other music as well as how you want your music to be appreciated?

We appreciate these different musical formats, and we know a lot of BM maniacs appreciate them too. So we try to multiply them so that a BM fan can appreciate our music in the format he likes. Unfortunately, for us, vinyl is, for now, too expensive due to rising prices, but a tape is coming out soon.

16. Let’s conclude this interview with you telling your future plans with Villes Ardentes. I hope you enjoyed the interview.

We hope we are going to tour at first and, of course, we are currently already preparing the second album : the music is completely written and the lyrics will be finished in the next few weeks.

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